====== L3DT release 2.2c ====== Released on the 26th of January, 2005 ([[http://www.bundysoft.com/news/doku.php?id=l3dt:ann:v2.2c|see announcement]]) ===== Changes ===== * Algorithm changes * Modified the heightfield generation algorithm, including changes to erosion, plateaux, and peak / fractal roughness. * User interface * Right-clicking in the main window opens a pop-up menu with which the user can select another map to be displayed. * File I/O * All the map export options have been compressed into a single 'Export active map' option. * A HTF export option has been included for the water map. * Bug fixes * Prevented thread-collisions in map display unit. * Added memory-leak checks. * L3DTVi2 * Multi-resolution detail-mapping, for 3D cards that support GL_ARB_vertex_program and have at least 3 texture units. * The unused Cg.dll dependency has been removed. * The camera movement controls have been improved.