====== What is a 'land type'? ====== A 'land type' is basically a set of ground textures used to generate the [[l3dt:reference:maps:tx|texture map]], plus a set of parameters that determine the distribution of those textures. The land type distribution is stored in the [[l3dt:reference:maps:am|attributes map]], and the details of the distribution calculation [[l3dt:algorithms:cli:am_algo|may be found here]]. The settings of land types are explained on the pages linked below, sorted in order of the tab on which they appear in the [[l3dt:userguide:climates:ltedit|land type editor]] dialog box:
^ [[l3dt:userguide:climates:ltedit:pane1|Tab 1: General]] ^ [[l3dt:userguide:climates:ltedit:pane2|Tab 2: Parameters]] ^ [[l3dt:userguide:climates:ltedit:pane3|Tab 3: Appearance]] ^ | [[l3dt:userguide:climates:ltedit:pane1|{{l3dt:userguide:dialogs:ltedit_pane1.png?220}}]] | [[l3dt:userguide:climates:ltedit:pane2|{{l3dt:userguide:dialogs:ltedit_pane2.png?220}}]] | [[l3dt:userguide:climates:ltedit:pane3|{{l3dt:userguide:dialogs:ltedit_pane3.png?220}}]] |