====== File overlays ====== A 'file overlay' is a special terrain type that places on the terrain a pre-made feature from a file. ===== Example and usage ===== Please consult the '[[bundywiki>tutorials:l3dt:fileoverlay|using file overlays]]' tutorial. ===== Overlay settings ===== The settings for each overlay, which you can edit using the 'edit' button in the [[l3dt:userguide:res:overlays:manager|overlay manager]] utility, include: ^ FileName | The file-name of the terrain file to use. See the [[l3dt:userguide:res:overlays:manager|overlay manager page]] for file paths and supported file types. | ^ VertScale->MinVal | The minimum altitude for the overlay, in metres. Should almost always be 0. | ^ VertScale->MaxVal | The maximum altitude for the overlay, in metres. Should always be greater than 0. | ^ VertScale->ApplyScaling | If false, use the default file vertical scaling. If true, use the scaling set by //VertScale->MinVal// and //VertScale->MinVal//. | ^ Resize->Width | The desired width of the overlay, in pixels. | ^ Resize->Height | The desired height of the overlay, in pixels. | ^ Resize->DoResize | If false, the size of the overlay is the same as the file. If true, the overlay is re-sized to the dimensions specified by //Resize->Width// and //Resize->Height//. |