====== L3DT release 2.3 ====== Released on the 28th of June, 2005 ([[http://www.bundysoft.com/news/doku.php?id=l3dt:ann:v2.3|see announcement]]) ===== Changes ===== * New features * Added [[l3dt:userguide:newmap:perlin|perlin heightfield generator]], with support for mosaic maps. * Added thermal erosion stage to design/inflate algorithm. * Added '[[l3dt:userguide:utilities#read_file_header|file header report]]' option, for checking header information in L3DT binary files. * User interface * Added multi-purpose 'Wizard' dialog engine, including: * Open, Import HF, Import DM. * Gen design map and design map parameters. * Gen fractal map. * Gen perlin map. * Water table parameters. * Gen light map and light absorption. * Gen texture map. * Added 'stage list' view to the progress bar window. * Added 'mosaic tile' line overlay in view. * Slightly increased the size of hitherto microscopic slider bars in dialogs for design map pixel edit and pencil tool. * Made salinity map display logarithmic. * Algorithm tweaks and optimisations * Tweaked design-map generation, fluvial erosion settings, terracing settings, and peak overlay settings. * Increased speed of water-table flooding algorithm using tolerance settings, and increased quality by better raster-order optimisations. * File I/O * Added [[l3dt:userguide:io:import:dm|import design map]] option. * Enabled export of water map as HFF, TER, BT, HTF, BMP. * Simplified 'File preferences' dialog, using a tree-view to replace tabs and combo box. * Can now [[l3dt:userguide:settings#file paths|edit file paths]] for L3DT data, VTP Enviro. * Improved '[[l3dt:userguide:io:export:enviro|Export to Enviro]]' feature (including no-texture option). * Changed the format of the [[l3dt:formats:specs:mgf|map group file]] (.mgf), excising all settings into separate [[l3dt:formats:specs:def|definition file]] (.def). * Mosaic scales are unified automatically on save. * Extended mosaic map support for: * Set horiz scale. * Set vert scale + histogram. * Compile texture list. * Bug-fixes * Fixed [[l3dt:buglist:mosaicflood|mosaic water-flooding bug]] --- //It only took two years!// * Fixed bug in MGF-loader that caused it to fail for map group names with spaces. * Increased thread-safety by disabling load/save options when calculations are under way. * Fixed [[l3dt:userguide:utilities#throttle CPU|CPU throttle]] behaviour. * Fixed some bugs in the display. * Structural changes * Increased default mosaic cache size. * Added scripting engine foundations (parsing, declarations and assignments). * Most major user-interface commands are now performed via internal scripting. * Completed VarFactory type handling routines. * Changed type identifier in CVar from string to UINT. * Moved group settings into CVarList class. * L3DTVi2 * Added a water texture. * Added a rotate skybox option. * Re-built L3DTVi2 to handle mosaic maps.