====== Changes to Zeolite API in L3DT v2.6 ====== ...continuing on from the [[l3dt:history:v2.6|v2.6 change log]]: * More functions (CORE): * Add [[zeolite:functions:var_GetValueA]] * Add [[zeolite:functions:format_SetFlags2]] * Add [[zeolite:functions:format_GetFlags]] * More functions (via zeofuncs): * project.AddClimateToProject * project.LoadMaterials * project.UnloadMaterials * classes.climate.GetProjID * classes.climate.GetAppID * view.SetMouseMode * view.GetMouseMode * view.EditMap * view.SetBrushRadius * view.SetBrushRadiusEx * view.GetBrushRadius * map.GetWidth (via ZeoWrap) * map.GetHeight (via ZeoWrap) * map.GetFilename (via ZeoWrap) * file.GetFilenameNoExt (via ZeoWrap) * Some helper files: * zProject * zCalcMan * zCalcHF * Modified: * classes.landtype.GetName (changed arg to hVar) * classes.climate.GetTypeList (changed arg to hVar, and rval to hVar) * classes.climate.GetName (changed arg to hVar)