====== L3DT release 2.7 ====== Released on the 28th of February, 2009 ([[bundynews>l3dt:ann:v2.7|see announcement]]) ===== Major features ===== ==== 'Undo' ==== * Added support for multi-level 'undo', with CTRL+Z support and an 'undo' toolbar button. * Modified [[bundywiki>plugins:fileio:L3DTio_Backup|L3DTio_Backup]]: * Don't backup maps that aren't initialised (instead flag that they are to be freed on record revert). * Backup project settings (using flag). * Auto-delete records on plugin shutdown to reduce disk spam. * Support undo for simultaneous brush editing of multiple maps (e.g. TX and AM in TX brush). * 'Backup' option now clears all previous undo records. * 'Restore' option now recurses through all undo records, up to last restore point. * Record stack is trimmed when longer than user-definable limit (default is 20). * Added a toolbar button to enable/disable automatic backup point for undo, and added get/set functions for said flag in L3DTio_Backup plugin, to be used by other plugins. * Added automatic 'undo' backup to: * Menu-based map operations. * Core calculations (HF, WM, TN, LM, TX, etc.) * Plugins, including [[bundywiki>plugins:sapphire|Sapphire]], [[bundywiki>plugins:calc:atMergeMap|atMergeMap]], [[bundywiki>plugins:calc:atRotate|atRotate]], [[bundywiki>plugins:general:CopyPaste|Copy/paste]]((area selective too.)), [[bundywiki>plugins:calc:SphericalDistort|SphericalDistort]], and [[bundywiki>plugins:general:atImportMap|atImportMap]]. * New map layer option. * Edit pixel options. * 2D mouse tools. * 3D radial mouse tools for HF. * 3D AM & TX mouse tools. * Added menu/toolbar options for: * 'Undo' in L3DT and Sapphire. * 'Enable undo' menu option (checked by default), with warning for memory usage &c. * 'Clear undo history' menu option. * Other: * Added 'view.RefreshMap [lpMapName]' function to allow zoom to be retained when undoing during map edit. * Added callback in edit record to refresh Sapphire TX/HF on undo/restore. * Hid file save progress bars during mouse brush strokes [//includes updates to [[bundywiki>plugins:general:atExportArea|atExportArea]]//]. ==== ZeoScript improvements ==== * Added 'if' / 'else' / 'endif' support. * Added 'do' / 'while' support. * Support auto-casting of variable types. * Added more core functions: * Math functions (sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, pow, sqrt, log, log10) * More map functions (Init, Free, GetPixel, SetPixel, GetFlag, SetFlag) * Progbox functions (ShowWnd, HideWnd, SetTitle, SetProgress) * File helper functions (GetExt, GetDir, GetFilenameNoDir, GetFilenameNoExt, FileExists) * File i/o functions (fopen, fclose, ftell, fseek, rewind, fwrite, fread) * Buffer functions (InitByType, Free, nItems, MemSize, ItemSize, ItemType, SetValue, GetValue) * 'GetScriptFilename' function. * 'GetLineNo' function. * 'isdef' functions. * 'RunScriptFile' function, to allow scripts to run other scripts. * 'return' function. * 'view.GetActiveMap' function. * Changes to previous behaviour: * Added support for literals in 'setv' intrinsic. * Re-mapped 'set' to point to 'setv' (was 'seta'). * Removed 'newset' intrinsic. * Corrected line numbers for goto by including empty code lines. * Add memory stack to scripts to allow variable scoping. * Added 'undo' support to example scripts where appropriate. * Updated example scripts for above changes. ==== Activation module bug-fixes ==== * Provided 'L3DT will now exit' notification before shutting down following a failed activation attempt. * Provided a more descriptive message to indicate free update period has elapsed. * Removed generally meaningless error messages (e.g. "Name '44' is already taken"). * Fixed activation problem for Carl B. (via e-mail). * Include 'KeyReset.exe' utility in installer, to nuke keys in case of error. ===== Other features ===== ==== Sapphire ==== * Added AVI capture support ([[bundynews>l3dt:2009:feb:17|see examples]]). * Added selected area display in Sapphire ([[http://www.bundysoft.com/coppermine/displayimage.php?pos=-360|see image]]). * Removed topmost status for Sapphire to fix Z-order problem with attributes map brush. * Added toolbar. ==== OS support (or lack thereof) ==== * Support for Windows 2000 has been discontinued ([[http://www.bundysoft.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1041|see bug-report for reason]]). ==== L3DT Standard Edition ==== * Allow high-res textures up to 32x (same as Pro). ==== Update manager improvements ==== * Automatically check for updates, with user-changeable period (never|monthly|fortnightly|weekly|daily|each session) * Provide modeless pop-up notification when updates are available. ==== User interface ==== * Added consistent 'on-line help' syslink to control windows & wizards. * Re-designed wizards to be more intuitive ([[l3dt:userguide:wizards:algorithms]] and [[l3dt:userguide:wizards:hfsize]]) (FIXME: update docs) * Display plugin name in format info within file preferences dialog box. * Added '//Operations->Active map->Resize map//' option. * Added '//File->Import->Texture map//' menu option. * Added calculation progress text to main window. * Removed defunct '//Utilities->Read file header//' option. ==== New/improved plugins ==== * Modified [[bundywiki>plugins:fileio:L3DTio_Atlas2|Atlas2 plugin]] to support '8 textures' resource for TGEA ([[http://www.bundysoft.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=5428#5428|see this thread]]). * Modified [[bundywiki>plugins:fileio:L3DTio_RAW_HF|L3DTio_RAW_HF plugin]] to support r32 and r16 file extensions. * Modified [[bundywiki>plugins:fileio:L3DTio_BigBitmap|L3DTio_BigBitmap plugin]] to support full load/save/mosaic, and auto split to mosaic. Plugin replaces [[bundywiki>plugins:fileio:L3DTio_FI|L3DTio_FI]] as default bitmap plugin for L3DT. * Updated [[bundywiki>plugins:calc:ZeoImage|ZeoImage plugin]] to support stretched image overlays. * Added [[bundywiki>plugins:fileio:L3DTio_CSV|L3DTio_CSV plugin]] to support spreadsheet->design map workflow ([[http://www.bundysoft.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1060&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=|see this thread]]). * Added [[bundywiki>plugins:fileio:L3DTio_B3D|L3DTio_B3D plugin]] to support Blitz3D and Realm Crafter. * Added [[bundywiki>plugins:fileio:L3DTio_B3D|L3DTio_VFW plugin]] for recording video streams. ==== Path changes ==== * Moved resources to '[HOMEDIR]\L3DT\resources\[version]\' * Moved logs to '[HOMEDIR]\L3DT\logs\[version]\' * Added start menu links to extensions, logs and resources folders ([[bundynews>l3dt:2008:oct:25|see here]]). * Updated uninstaller to remove more logs & setting files. ==== Plugin API ==== * Updated to [[zeolite:changes#v2.7.1|Zeolite v2.7.1]] ==== Bug fixes ==== * Fixed the horizontal scale calculation in [[bundywiki>plugins:fileio:L3DTio_BT|L3DTio_BT plugin]] when importing terrain encoded with lat/lon extents in degrees ([[http://www.bundysoft.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1028|see this thread]]). * Fixed bug in [[bundywiki>plugins:calc:atMergeMap|atMergeMap plugin]] that failed to set MAPFLAG_SAVED to true for mosaic heightmaps ([[http://www.bundysoft.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1068&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=|see this thread]]). * Fixed bug in resizing design map. * Modified DM resize wizard so that it doesn't resize the map when only changing the horizontal scale. * CMosaicMap::ExportMap now forces blank tiles to be written ([[http://www.bundysoft.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=5429#5429|see this post]]). ==== Other ==== * Added option to bake texture onto lightmap ([[http://spring.clan-sy.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=16895&p=319914#p319914|see request]]).