Table of Contents

Contact details

E-mail addresses

Regular address
Backup address
Sales/reg address


If you want to contact me for help or advice on using L3DT, I would prefer it if you would use the forums instead. That way the question and answer can serve to help others.

If the support matter relates to an activation key, please e-mail me directly.

What about IM/Skype/etc?

Regretfully, I do not have sufficient regular free time to converse with all L3DT users on IM. Please use the forums, and I'll answer when I can.

E-mail response time

I would ask that you be patient when waiting for a reply, as in addition to being in a wacky timezone (see below), I sometimes get more mail than I can handle1). If you have purchased a license and are awaiting a key, have requested registration, or are reporting a bug, I will try to get back to you within one weekday. Less urgent matters may take several days (or weeks, if I'm bad).

Timezone differences

Melbourne is in the GMT+10 timezone, which generally means that if you're in Europe or the US, I'm probably asleep when you're awake. Here are some nifty conversions:

Your location Converting to AaronTime
Europe Add 7 - 10 hours to your local time, depending on whether you live closer to Moscow or London.
U.S. (continental) Add 15 - 18 hours to your local time, depending on whether you live closer to New York or L.A.
Canada, Mexico. About the same as the U.S., as I'm sure you already know.
South America Add 13 - 15 hours to your local time, depending on whether you're closer to the Atlantic or Pacific oceans.
Africa Add 7 - 11 hours to your local time, depending on whether you're east or west.
Japan, Korea, China About the same as me (maybe add an hour or two, just to be safe.)
India Add 4:30 to your local time.
New Zealand I'll be with you in a minute.
Antarctica I have no idea.
International space station. Why are you e-mailing me? Get back to work!
1) Okay, usually…