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Edit the value of a variable using L3DT’s standard variable editing graphical user interface. The var_EditUIEx function provides extended control over the user interface that is not available using the basic var_EditUI function.

Function prototype

bool CExtAPI::var_EditUIEx(ZVAR hVar, const char* lpPrompt, unsigned long Flags, ZLIST hOptions);


Name Type Comment
hVar ZVAR A ZVAR handle to a variable, the value of which is to be edited.
lpPrompt const char* A handle to a C-style string containing the title of the editor window. If null is given, a default title is used.
Flags unsigned long A bitfield containing flags to modify the behaviour of the editor user interface (see comments).
hOptions ZLIST A handle to a ZLIST containing additional options for the editor user interface (see comments). May be null, if no options are to be set.

Return value

False if:

True otherwise.


'Flags' and 'hOptions'

The Flags and hOptions arguments must be null. These arguments are reserved for future use.