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Export a mosaic map, and all its tiles, to a different file name/path.


Declaration Zeolite.h
Implementation Zeolite.cpp

Function prototype

bool zmap_ExportMosaic(ZMAP hMap, const char* lpFileName, ZFORMAT hFormat, long nx, long ny, long TileSize, const char* lpProjMapName);


Name Type Comment
hMap ZMAP A ZMAP handle to the mosaic map that is to be exported.
lpFileName const char* A handle to a C-style string that contains the full path-name and extensions of the output mosaic master file.
hFormat ZFORMAT A ZFORMAT handle to the format variable to be used to save the mosaic.
nx long The output width of the map, in pixels.
ny long The output height of the map, in pixels.
TileSize long The width and height of the tiles in the map.
lpProjMapName const char* A pointer to a C-style string that contains the name of the map in the project (usually null). Please refer to zproj_GetMap for valid map names.

Return value

False if an error occurred, and true otherwise.

