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Set the map displayed in the main window of L3DT.


Declaration Zeolite.h
Implementation Zeolite.cpp

Function prototype

bool zview_ShowMap(const char* lpProjMapName);


Name Type Comment
lpProjMapName const char* A pointer to a C-style string containing the name of the map layer to be displayed.

Return value

true, pretty much all the time.


Values of lpProjMapName

The following values of lpProjMapName are valid:

lpProjMapName Which map is it?
“DM” The design map.
“HF” The heightfield.
“WM” The water map.
“WS” The water salinity map.
“AM” The attributes map.
“TN” The terrain normals map.
“LM” The light map.
“TX” The texture map.

If other custom map layers are present in the project, their names may be used also.

Function is asynchronous

view_ShowMap will return before the map is actually re-drawn. This is because L3DT draws the map in another thread.