L3DT documentation
Large 3D terrain generator

Opening files from the command line

L3DT can open a number of files from the command line. This occurs when:

  • You double-click on a file that is associated with L3DT (e.g. formats like HFF, PROJ, etc).
  • You drag a file onto the L3DT desktop icon or executable.
  • You use a command shell to open a file in L3DT (e.g. 'l3dt.exe myexample.bmp').

The following file types may be opened in this way:

File type Extension What happens?
Project  file proj, mgf L3DT will open the map project.
Heightfield files hff, ter, bt, etc… L3DT will import the heightfield as a new map project. This works with all 'native' heightfield files.
Image files bmp, png, jpg, etc… L3DT will import the image as a heightfield in a new map project, but will first ask for import settings. This works with all 'non-native' heightfield formats. If not supported as a heightfield, the image will be loaded as a RGB texture.
Script files zs, py L3DT will run the script file (using ZeoScript for zs scripts, and cdPython for py scripts, if installed).
Map definition def.xml L3DT will create a new map based on the map definition.
Batch file run L3DT will create a set of maps based on the batch run file.
Plugin zeo, dll L3DT will install the plugin, after first asking you to confirm the action.
l3dt/userguide/io/commandline.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/31 05:15 (external edit)
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