====== L3DT 2.4 beta3 is available ====== The third and final beta-release of L3DT v2.4 is available for download. As usual, a summary of the changes is provided on the [[bundydocs>l3dt:history:v2.4beta3|release history]] page, and a description follows: ===== Bug-fixes ===== The main focus of this release was to fix bugs in preparation for the final L3DT 2.4, and indeed there were many bugs to fix: * '//File->Import->Design map//' (would crash). * '//File->Import->Heightfield//' (JPEG not available). * '//Operations->Design map->Generate from HF//' (would crash). * '//Operations->Design map->Modify parameters//' (would crash). * '//Operations->Active map->Split to mosaic//' (would crash for heightfield). * Fixed 'per pixel land types' texture algorithm (would crash for multiple climates). * '//File->Save//' (would sometimes throw an error relating to the water-body list). * RAW import (was broken, but I can't remember how). * Numerous fixes to the climate editor (generally not crash-worthy). Further patches may be issued over the coming fortnight to address any bugs that may be identified by users. ===== Textures and bump-maps ===== As previewed [[blog:2006:05-23|last month]], the bump-mapping and texturing algorithms have been improved to give greater realism at high texture resolutions. Pretty screenshots of this may be found in [[http://www.bundysoft.com/L3DT/gallery.php|the gallery]], and more are on the way. I will, at some point, update the [[bundydocs>l3dt:algorithms|algorithms]] pages to explain how the new system works (//but not right now//). ===== Climates ===== I've added a new 'desert' climate and revised the 'artic' and 'temperate' climates. These aren't the finalised production-versions, but they're pretty close to what you can expect from L3DT release 2.4. You may also notice that I've removed the 'arid', 'temperate (deluxe)' and 'temperate (basic)' climates. The reasons for this were: * 'arid' needed substantial work to bring it up to the standard of the other climates. * 'temperate (deluxe)' was superfluous, as the standard 'temperate' now looks much better (it has 25 land types, 15 of which are grass). * 'temperate (basic)' was dropped because I ran out of time. I will try to re-build 'temperate (basic)' for v2.4, but I make no promises as to the other climates. ===== Climate file changes ===== In previous releases, climate files were located in [Resources\Climates] and textures were in [Resources\Textures]. This arrangement made it difficult for users to copy and re-distribute climates, so it's been changed for beta3. Now textures may be in the same directory as the climate file, so you can easily zip-up and e-mail a climate, textures and all. The down-side of these changes is that the file-paths in old climates are broken. If you have any custom-made climates, you will need to manually re-set the correct file paths. While you're at it, it might be a good idea to create a new directory for each climate (see the examples provided) and copy the relevant textures into those directories, thereby making your climates readily 'portable'. In addition to these changes, the weighting of the texture-blending and bump-mapping system have been re-defined, so things might not look exactly as they did previously. Similarly, the perlin-noise frequency of each land type is now relative to the size of a heightfield pixel, rather than 1/16th of it (as in //beta2//). Over the next week or so I will revise the user-guide to reflect these changes and explain exactly what all the numbers mean. ===== Next release ===== The next release will be the 'final' L3DT 2.4 in about two weeks time. It is highly unlikely that any new features will be added at this stage, so the only changes between //beta3// and //final// should be fixes for any bugs still in //beta3//, plus a few more climates. As [[l3dt:2006:jan:10|foreshadowed in January]], the //Professional Edition// will no-longer be free for L3DT v2.4. Licenses will be available at cost of $25 (US dollars), with free upgrades provided up to 18 months after purchase. The accepted payment method will be [[http://www.paypal.com|PayPal]]. Evaluation licenses will still be available on request, as before, but the lifetime of such keys has been reduced to 60 days (from 180 days). These changes do not apply retrospectively, so older 180- or 365-day keys are still valid. ===== Feedback ===== Please leave your comments and suggestions in the [[http://www.bundysoft.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=166|community forum]]. {{tag>beta release bump_maps climates bugs}}