February 26

Fixed at last: The heightfield/design map offset

Hi Everyone,

A long-standing design flaw in L3DT since version 2.0 has finally been fixed, after nearly 9 years. The problem related to how the heightfield was generated from the design map. In all previous versions, this calculation resulted in an offset between features in the design map and heightfield of one half of one DM pixel. The heightfield was, in effect, apparently moved 1/2 a DM pixel to the southwest.

For example, take this example design map with a few single-pixel hills scattered around:

When the heightfield was generated, it looked like this:

If we overlay the design map on the heightfield, we can see that the peaks in the heightfield are centred on the southwest corner of the pixels in the design map:

With the new fix applied, the peaks in the heightfield are now properly centred on the design map pixels:

This fix is included in L3DT Pro 12.02 dev build 2, which is on the Pro downloads page now.

Cheerio, Aaron.

2012/02/26 01:21 · aaron

Permanent link (2012:feb:26)