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A central feature of the upcoming L3DT v2.7 release will be 'undo' support, and it is now implemented and ready for testing in the latest developmental build (L3DT Please drop by the downloads page to give it a try.

There are a few things to note about the new system:

Disabling 'undo' for speed & disk space

If you are making very large maps, you may want to disable undo. This is because the undo system adds some overheads to the operation of L3DT, and will consume more disk space and make some calculations slower. You can disable undo by un-checking the 'Edit→Enable undo' menu option.

Backup and restore

You can store manual restore points for a map using the 'Edit→Backup active map' menu option or the 'bkup' toolbar button. If you make changes to this map, you can easily restore it using the 'Edit→Restore to last backup point' menu option or the 'rest.' toolbar button. Restoring a map will undo all changes since the map was backed up. Restore points are not cleared automatically, so you can restore to the same point as many times as you like.

Anything still to do?

Yes, since I've only had undo working for about a day, I expect I'll need to make some tweaks in response to user feedback. I also have a few 'nice to haves' on the to-do list for the undo feature that aren't critical to its operation, but will make the system back-end neater and easier to maintain.

Signing off

Cheerio, Aaron.