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DMF Load troubles

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:37 pm
by madoc
This has to be something blindingly simple I'm missing.
I'm working on converting the map from a text based mud to 3D, the text based muds map files are a little wierd format


. = coastal
? = forest
o = water

So I'm working on something that will take that and convert it to a .dmf, figured this would be the best way to do it.

The problem I've run into is I cannot seem to get L3DT to LOAD a dmf. I used the online doc to figure out the file format, saved a dmf from L3DT so I had something to compare to and everything looks good.

BUT I cannot get either the dmfs I've created or the dmfs that I saved out of L3DT loaded into the program. I figured thats what import was for but I get an error msg unrecognised format, even on the ones that were saved right from L3DT. File open wants project files....

So how do I get a dmf to LOAD?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:46 pm
by madoc
Ok I managed to get something working.
I created a blank project thats the same dimensions as the DM I'm generating and the code I wrote just replaces the .dmf, it works I have to tell it to reload the design map and (obviously) regenerate the other maps. But it works, its so exciting to see the world in 3D!

Is there some kind of hotkey for 'reload active map' ?