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UV coordinates for .obj export

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 5:58 am
by Philippe Le Miere
Exported out a terrain as an .obj and imported it into Maya. Applied the L3DT generated texture only to then find that it wouldn't display. Quickly realized that the terrain .obj exported out of L3DT didn't have UV coordinates.

It's straightforward for me to just apply a planer projection from the top view on the terrain. So generating UV's from a L3DT mesh export is doable. It would be nice through if L3DT's mesh terrains came with it's own inbuilt UV set.

I'm guessing that UV's are created in L3DT at some point, as they maybe needed when running Sapphire.

Just one for the suggestion box,



PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:20 pm
by Aaron
Hi Philippe,

It would be nice through if L3DT's mesh terrains came with it's own inbuilt UV set.

The U/V texture coordinates for terrain maps are trivial, since the textures are always planar mapped. I didn't think it was necessary to double the OBJ file-size to store data that could be calculated easily.

Nevertheless, I have put this on the to-do list. Thanks for the request.


PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:00 am
by Philippe Le Miere
Yes. I agree, UV's are perhaps a trivial thing when the terrain can be so easily planar mapped.

Guess I was looking at it from a production flow point of view. L3DT does such a magical job of automating so many complex terrain generation tasks, that automatic UV mapping would just be one lest thing for the developer to do.

As an idea, perhaps UV's are a check box option for the user to choose whether they are exported or not. That way a user could still have the option of low .obj file sizes if required.

Thanks for following up this Feature request.
