====== Filter manager ===== The //filter manager// window allows you to create, edit or delete the filters that are used in the [[:plugins:calc:atFilterAM:alphaexpress|alpha export express]], [[:plugins:calc:atFilterAM:filteram|filter attributes map]] and [[:plugins:fileio:l3dt_atlas|TGEA atlas (blended terrain) export]] options. The window is opened using the '//Extensions->atFilterAM->Filter manager//' menu option. {{ :plugins:calc:atfilteram:filtermanager.png |:plugins:calc:atfilteram:filtermanager.png}} The controls are explained below: ===== << New filter >> ===== To create a new filter, double-click on the '<< new filter >>' option in the filter list. This option will pass you on to the [[plugins:calc:atfilteram:filtereditor|filter editor]] window. ===== Edit ===== To edit a filter, select it from the filter list and click on the 'edit' button. This option will pass you on to the [[plugins:calc:atfilteram:filtereditor|filter editor]] window. ===== Rename ===== To change the name of a filter, select the filter from the list and click on the 'rename' button. You will be asked to enter the filter name using a standard text-entry window. Names may not be duplicated, and cannot contain the following characters: * . (period) * ' (apostrophe) * " (quotation mark) * < * > ===== Delete ===== To delete a filter, select the filter from the list and click on the 'delete' button.