====== ZeoGraph change log ====== ===== Next update ===== * //Nothing yet!// ===== v2.9.6.1 ===== * //Included with L3DT v2.9 build 14// * Fixed filter graph version number handling. * Automated creation of map project if uninitialised. * Closed threaded progress box on completion of graph. ===== v2.9.0.9 ===== * Added automatic type casting between pins of dissimilar types without need for intermediary casting filters. * Allowed variant<->variant pin connections, using an intermediary casting filter to define connection type. ===== v2.8.0.4 ===== * Added ability to define filters from text/script files (extension is '.zfilter'). * Added automatic data type casting, using 'Cast' intermediate filter. * Added ZeoScript filter, to allow custom operations. * Added 'disable filter' option. * Added filter 'copy' and 'paste' options. * Alpha sorting of filters in 'add filter' window. * Other changes are documented in [[bundydocs>l3dt:history:v2.9#zeograph|L3DT v2.9 change log]]. ===== v2.7.4.4 ===== * In FilterTreeDlg: * Added help link in bottom-right hand corner, as per L3DT standard UI. * In ZeoGraphWnd: * Implemented graph panning. ===== v2.7.4.3 ===== * For ZeoGraphWnd: * Added 'rename filter' menu option. * Always prompt for filename when attempting to save 'default.zgraph'. * Changed 'run' and 'stop' buttons to triangle and square, respectively (using VCR metaphor, rather than traffic lights). * Check run state when editing options, connecting pins, loading graphs, and creating new graphs. * Clicking on the run button when the graph is running will stop the graph (button acts as toggle). * Changed the name of the graph that is automatically loaded on startup from 'default.zgraph' to 'start.zgraph'. * Filters: * Split 'scalar math' into 'add', 'subtract', 'multiply', 'divide', 'power', 'min' and 'max' filters. * Added nice options window to 'Project.GetProjectMap' and 'Project.SetProjectMap'. * Added 'Project.GetProjectMap2' and 'Project.SetProjectMap2', with string inputs for map name. ===== v2.7.4.1 ===== * For ZeoGraphWnd: * Added 'copy to clipboard' menu option. * Added 'connect to...' context menu option for pin. * Prevented user from connecting pins on same filter. * Allowed input pins to be variants. * Added pin connection and disconnection notification. * Added 'Tee' filter. * Added 'CastType' filter. * In CzGraph and CzFilter * When connecting pins, check for circular input dependencies (looking upstream for self). ===== v2.7.3.3 ====== * Included with L3DT Professional v2.7 build 14. * In ZeoGraphWnd: * Automatically loads 'Default.zgraph' filter the first time ZeoGraph is loaded. * Added '//Help->User guide (on-line)//' menu item. * Set enable state of options/disconnect/etc menu items. * Added toolbar (new/load/save/new filter/run/stop/disconnect/options/etc.) * Fixed run/stop toolbar button state. * Added blue highlight rect around topmost filter. * In FilterTreeDlg: * Counts filters in each namespace, and appended to namespace label in tree (e.g. 'Generate (5)'). * Filters: * Modified 'project.SetProjectMap' to force refresh of map in view (optional, with flag). * Renamed 'PerlinEx' filter to 'Perlin2' for consistency and future-proofing. * Ensured all filter options pages say 'filter options' (not 'properties'). * Implemented 'stop graph' feature in threaded build. * All: * Test behaviour when filters fail, or when rendering is cancelled. * Fixed error reporting in filter & graph functions (couldn't show log view from worker thread). ===== v2.7.3 ====== * Implemented CzGraph, CzFilter, CzPin and CzFilterFactory as portable classes that may be used in other plugins. * Implemented graph load/save in CzGraph. * Associate 'zgraph' extension with L3DT in installer, and handled in command line processor. * Added progress display to 'CopyMapArea' function (In L3DT) so that filters such as GetProjectMap have a display whilst they are copying large maps. * In FilterTreeDlg: * Implement filter picker tree dialog, for nested tree namespaces. * In ZeoGraphWnd: * Added text overlay on mouse hover over pins, and render their current value. * Implement double-buffered rendering (all rendering funcs take CDC arg, for portability). * Made file open/save window default to graph directory in resources if no filename is set. * Provided menu options for topmost filter in dropmenu. * Saved and restored window size using GetWndSetting/SetWndSetting. * Set title from file name. * Re-sorted filters for z-ordering. * Changed connection rendering to handle filter z-ordering. * Add visual queue to indicate filter has editable options. * Truncate filter names to remove namespaces. * Show topmost filter in different scheme. * Provide some demo filters: * Project --- // in 'ZG_project' plugin// * GetProjectMap * SetProjectMap * Map --- // in 'ZG_map' plugin// * CreateMap * CreateMap2 * CreateMosaic * CreateMosaic2 * GetDimensions * GetMapType * Copy --- // in 'ZG_copy' plugin// * CopyMap * CopyMapArea * File --- // 'ZG_fileio' plugin// * LoadMapFile * SaveMapFile * ExportMosaic * FindFormat * FindDefaultFormat * Transform --- // in 'ZG_transforms' plugin // * Resize * RotateCW * RotateCCW * MirrorY * MirrorX * Heightfield * GetRange --- // in 'ZG_CalcHF' plugin // * SetRange --- // in 'ZG_CalcHF' plugin // * CombineMaps (allows add, subtract, max/min, etc.) --- // in 'ZG_Combiner' plugin // * ScalarMath (allows add, subtract, multiply, power, etc.) --- // in 'ZG_CalcHF' plugin // * Generate * Fractal --- // in 'ZG_fractal' plugin // * Perlin --- // in 'ZG_perlin' plugin // * PerlinEx --- // in 'ZG_perlin' plugin // * ConePeak --- // in 'ZG_CalcHF' plugin // * GaussianPeak --- // in 'ZG_CalcHF' plugin // * Add options windows for filters: * Heightfield * CombineMaps * UI * FileDialog