====== About Graphs ====== A 'graph' in the ZeoGraph plugin is an algorithm or process that is built up from a series of connected [[plugins:calc:zeograph:userguide:filters]]. In the example graph below, you see that the graph consists of three connected filters.
| {{:plugins:calc:zeograph:userguide:graphs:examplegraph.png|:plugins:calc:zeograph:userguide:graphs:examplegraph.png}} | ^ An example graph, containing three filters. ^
For more information about graphs, please see: * [[plugins:calc:zeograph:userguide:graphs:file|Loading and saving graphs]] * [[plugins:calc:zeograph:userguide:graphs:run|Running graphs]] For more information about other ZeoGraph concepts, please see: * [[plugins:calc:zeograph:userguide:window|About the ZeoGraph window]] * [[plugins:calc:zeograph:userguide:filters|About Filters]] * [[plugins:calc:zeograph:userguide:pins|About Pins]]