====== MessageBox ====== ===== Description ===== Display a modal pop-up message box. ===== Function prototype ===== uint MessageBox ===== Arguments ===== ^ Name ^ Type ^ Comment ^ | //Message// | string | The text to be displayed in the message box. | | //Style// | uint | A conbination of bit flags that specify the buttons, icons and behaviour of the message box (see codes below). | The supported values of //Style// are identical to those of the Microsoft Foundation Classes [[http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/w0kywcw3%28VS.80%29.aspx|Message box styles]], which are: * Message box types * 0x00000000 (MB_OK) - The message box contains one pushbutton: OK. * 0x00000001 (MB_OKCANCEL) - The message box contains two pushbuttons: OK and Cancel. * 0x00000002 (MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE) - The message box contains three pushbuttons: Abort, Retry, and Ignore. * 0x00000003 (MB_YESNOCANCEL) The message box contains three pushbuttons: Yes, No, and Cancel. * 0x00000004 (MB_YESNO) - The message box contains two pushbuttons: Yes and No. * 0x00000005 (MB_RETRYCANCEL) - The message box contains two pushbuttons: Retry and Cancel. * Message-Box Icons * 0x00000010 (MB_ICONSTOP) A stop-sign icon appears in the message box. * 0x00000020 (MB_ICONQUESTION) - A question-mark icon appears in the message box. * 0x00000030 (MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) - An exclamation-point icon appears in the message box. * 0x00000040 (MB_ICONINFORMATION) - An icon consisting of an "I" in a circle appears in the message box. * Message-Box Default Buttons * 0x00000000 (MB_DEFBUTTON1) - The first button is the default. Note that the first button is always the default unless MB_DEFBUTTON2 or MB_DEFBUTTON3 is specified. * 0x00000100 (MB_DEFBUTTON2) - The second button is the default. * 0x00000200 (MB_DEFBUTTON3) - The third button is the default. ===== Return value ===== The return value is identical to those of the Microsoft Foundation Classes [[http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/as6se7cb%28VS.80%29.aspx|AfxMessageBox]] function, which are: * 0 - An error occurred: * 1 (IDOK) - The OK button was selected. * 2 (IDCANCEL) The Cancel button was selected. * 3 (IDABORT) - the Abort button was selected. * 4 (IDRETRY) - The Retry button was selected. * 5 (IDIGNORE) - The Ignore button was selected. * 6 (IDYES) - The Yes button was selected. * 7 (IDNO) - The No button was selected. ===== Example ===== // style is question icon and yes/no buttons, testing for IDYES if > application.Restart endif ... the output of which looks like: {{:plugins:general:zeoscript:reference:functions:messagebox.png|An example message box}} ===== Comments ===== None.