====== Sapphire change log (2007) ====== ===== v2.5.2.11 ===== * Released: 20th of December 2007. * Changes: * Added detail mapping for cards that support multitexturing. ===== v2.5.2.10 ===== * Released: 16th of December 2007. * Changes: * Added 'select texture' option, for image drape. * Added 'runtime light over texture' option. * Added 'colour by elevation' option. * Added default terrain colour setting (when not using texture or 'colour by elevation'). ===== v2.5.2.6 ===== * Released: 7th of November 2007, with L3DT v2.5b. * Changes: * Added smoothing tool. * Added perlin noise tool. * Don't repeat apply brush tool if cursor pos is unchanged (except in raise/lower brushes). ===== v2.5.2.3 ===== * Released: 15th of September 2007 (with L3DT 2.5b RC3) * Changes: * Marked variance dirty on heightfield load (apparently I had accidentally removed this in the past.) * Added rotatable skybox (',' and '.' keys). * Added PNG and BMP to list of supported screenshot formats, in addition to JPG. ===== v2.5.2.1 ===== * Released: 11th of September 2007. * Changes: * Updated to Zeolite 2.5.2 * Reverted some dubious height scaling changes from ===== v2.5.0.13 ===== * Released: 4th of September 2007. * Changes: * Reverted texture LOD auto-bias handling from v2.5.0.12. * Added limit to texture tile loading per frame, to smooth-out hit from loading multiple textures. * Changed HUD font size and made semi-transparent. ===== v2.5.0.12 ===== * Released: 3rd of September 2007. * Changes: * Improved texture LOD bias handling for GFx cards with lots of memory. * Fixed refresh of main window when Sapphire closes. * Added 'apply' button to teleport dialog. * Added pause option. * Added off-line controls PDF under help. * Changed initialisation progress (now just says 'LOADING') ===== v2.5.0.9 ===== * Released: 19th of August 2007. * Changes: * Rewrote teleport dialog, added support for stored teleport presets. ===== v2.5.0.7 ===== * Released: 2nd of August 2007. * Changes: * Added extension functions for ZeoScript script calls. * Allowed key re-mapping. ===== v2.5.0.5 ===== * Released: 9th of July 2007. * Changes: * Auto-split large non-mosaic textures into tiles to fit in GFx hardware. * Auto-lock heightfield tiles to prevent cache thrashing. ===== v2.5.0.2 ===== * Released: 1st of July 2007. * Changes: * Added backup/restore option. * Added bulldozer tool. * Further tweaks to texture caching. ===== v2.5.0.1 ===== * Released: 30th of June 2007. * Changes: * Added hardware settings menu option to select card memory. * Added menu. ===== v2.4.0.6 ===== * Released: 24th of June 2007. * Changes: * Require at least OpenGL 1.2, and exit if not found. * Add mipmap support for megatextures. * Automatically adjust texture mipmap detail. * Disable AM colouring (slow on large maps). * Auto increase variance when increasing view distance. * Fix tex coords when map doesn't fill mosaic tiles (bad in mipmapping). ===== v2.4.0.5 ===== * Released: 17th of June 2007. * Changes: * Fixed seams in mosaic textures (using GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, from OpenGL 1.2) * Added linear blending to skybox textures. ===== v2.4.0.4 ===== * Released: 5th of June 2007. * Changes: * Enabled mosaic textures. * Fixed mosaic texture seams by padding borders (partially, they're still there in the GLU mipmaps). ===== v2.4.0.2 ===== * Released: 2nd of June 2007. * Changes: * Added turbo movement mode. * Fixed enable state handling with skybox & fog. * Disabled initial tessellation of non-visible terrain patches. Now much faster at initialising view on large maps. * Made depth buffer read-only when drawing transparent water. * Fixed screen capture. ===== v2.4.0.1 ===== * Released: 29th of May 2007. * Changes: * Added skybox. * Added water texture. * Now requires: * L3DT or later (any edition). ===== v2.3.1.4 ===== * Released: 13th of May 2007. * Changes: * Added heightfield brushes for Cliffs/terraces, Thermal erosion * Constrain mouse curor pos to be within map. * Improve accuracy of heightfield editor cursor positioning by using gluUnProject. * Re-draw heightfield in main window if modified in Sapphire. * Render polygon mode with colours from attributes map. * Adjust light position in wireframe/poly mode to be above the camera. * Get window icon from application. * Now requires: * L3DT or later (Pro only). ===== v2.3.1.2 ===== * Released: 18th of April 2007. * Changes: * Fixed variance calculation on flat terrain. * Heightfield brush height takes vert-scale into account. * Double-click on brush in list to edit settings. * Raise/lower brush rate is fps-dependent. * Added SetTo / RaiseTo / LowerTo tools. * Added cursor pos to HUD in tool mode. * Start in wireframe mode by default. * Now requires: * L3DT 2.5 final or later (any edition). ===== v2.3.1.0 ===== * Released: 15th of April 2007. * Changes: * Added heightfield editing tool ('H'). * Added screen capture option ('C'). * Added lighting to wireframe mode. * Now requires: * L3DT Pro 2.5 RC5 or later. * ZeoScript v2.3.1.0 or later. ===== v2.3.0.9 ===== * Released: 11th of April 2007. * Changes: * Optimised ROAM for water map. * Enabled rendering of mosaic heightfields/water maps. * Added view distance to HUD. ===== v2.3.0.8 ===== * Released: 4th of April, 2007. * Changes: * Added HUD text. ===== v2.3.0.7 ===== * Released: 3rd of April, 2007. * Changes: * Added teleport option with 'T' key. ===== v2.3.0.6 ===== * Released: 27th of March, 2007. * Changes: * Prevented rendering of water table & non-water pixels in water map. * Enabled more compiler optimisations. ===== v2.3.0.5 ===== * Released: 21st of March, 2007. * Added: * Water rendering. * Walk/fly mode. * Terrain following. * Backface culling. ===== v2.3.0.3 ===== * Released: 5th of March, 2007. * Added: * Customisable settings, with '//Sapphire->Edit settings//' option. * FPS counter. * Changed: * Terrain rebuilt on keyframes only.