====== Script Repository ====== * **Map calculations** * //Attributes map // * [[:scripts:Convert AM to BYTE|AM_ConvertToByte]] * //Design map// * [[:scripts:ClipDesignMap|DM_Clip]] * [[:scripts:GetDesignMapLayer|DM_GetLayer]] * [[:scripts:SetDesignMapLayer|DM_SetLayer]] * //Heightfield// * [[:scripts:HF_clip]] (clip the heightfield range) * [[:scripts:Add peak overlay|HF_PeakOverlay]] (apply peak to heightfield) * [[:scripts:HF_SineDemo]] (apply sine wave to heightfield) * [[:scripts:Add custom volcano]] * [[:scripts:Calculate gradient]] * [[:scripts:Cone overlay]] * [[:scripts:Cube wrapped heightfield]] * [[:scripts:Export fractal]] * //Texture map// * [[:scripts:BakeLightOntoTexture]] * [[:scripts:Re-calculate texture area]] * //Water map // * [[:scripts:Combine WM and HF]] * **File input/output** * [[:scripts:ExportHeightfieldAsBitmap]] * [[:scripts:ExportHeightfieldAsTiles]] * [[:scripts:ClipGeoTiffAndExportAsBmp]] * [[:scripts:Import heightfield]] * [[:scripts:Import heightmap tile]] * [[:scripts:Import OpenSim RAW file]] * [[:scripts:fwrite test]] * [[:scripts:fread test]] * **Sapphire** * [[:scripts:Sapphire debug v2]] * [[:scripts:SapphirePanoramaAVI]] * **Programming** * [[:scripts:Hello world|Hello World!]] * [[:scripts:CountSLOC]] * **Other** * [[:scripts:Wang tiles]] ===== How to use scripts? ===== Download the script file to the following directory: ^ Win 7 / Vista | C:\Users\[username]\L3DT\resources\[version]\Scripts | ^ Win XP / 2000 | C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\L3DT\resources\[version]\Scripts | Then, in L3DT select the '//Extensions->ZeoScript->Run script file//' menu option. ===== Script documentation ===== * [[bundydocs>l3dt:userguide:scripts:editor|Using the script editor]] >> * [[plugins:general:zeoscript:reference|ZeoScript reference guide]] >>