Table of Contents


Plugin information

Author Aaron
Description A plugin to calculate the fast Fourier transform (FFT) of the heightfield, and the inverse transform.
Download link (135kB)
Source code Available on request.
DLL version v2.7.1.0 (26th of March 2009).
Dependencies L3DT build 2.7 or later.

Using atCalc_FFT

Applying the forward transform

To calculate the fast Fourier transform (FFT) of the heightfield, select the 'Extensions→atCalc_FFT→Calculate FFT of heightfield' menu option. The output will be two maps called “HF_FFT_Amplitude” and “HF_FFT_Phase”, which will be added to your project. For a typical noisy heightfield, these maps will look like:

:plugins:calc:atcalc_fft:fft_amp.png :plugins:calc:atcalc_fft:fft_phase.png
Amplitude component Phase component

Note that both maps are normal floating-point maps. The phase map appears in colour because the default palette for the phase map is “rainbow”, which maps the -PI→PI value range into a blue→red colour range.

Applying the inverse transform

To calculate the inverse transform, select the 'Extensions→atCalc_FFT→Calculate heightfield from inverse FFT' menu option. This will overwrite the heightfield by inverse-transforming the “HF_FFT_Amplitude” and “HF_FFT_Phase” maps created by the previous use of the 'Calculate FFT of heightfield' menu option (see above).

The output of the inverse transform of the amplitude/phase images is a hightfield such as this:

Heightfield from inverse FFT


The atCalc_FFT plugin will only work on square heightfields that are a power of two. This is a requirement of the FFT algorithm. If you want to transform heightfields of different sizes, you should look into implementing the general (and really slow) Fourier transform algorithm.



