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Plugin information

Author Aaron
Description A basic internet relay chat-style plugin, intended to demonstrate the atTcpSock asynchronous TCP socket plugin.
Menu option 'Extensions→zChatClient→Chat client'
Download link [88kB], also requires [85kB]
Source code [83kB]
DLL version v2.5.3.1, 25th of April 2008.


This is an experimental plugin that is intended only for use by plugin developers for testing purposes. It may include potential security vulnerabilities if used over the internet with untrusted peer computers.

What does it do?

zChatClient is, above all, a plugin to demonstrate to other developers how to use the asynchronous TCP socket interface provided by the atTcpSock plugin. zChatClient uses this plugin to implement a basic chat relay system, in both host/server and guest/client modes.

Using zChatClient

To open the zChatClient window, select the 'Extensions→zChatClient→Chat client' menu option in L3DT. This will open the dialog box shown below:


When zChatClient is not connected to another instance of zChatClient on another or the same computer, all the controls will be disabled as shown above.

Connecting zChatClient

To connect to an instance of zChatClient running on another computer, press the socket state button in the chat client window (which should say 'closed', see above).

Opening a host

To open a listen socket and allow one or more guests to connect to zChatClient, select the 'host' option in the 'mode' drop list.


In 'host' mode, the Port No value is the port number on the local machine that will be opened to accept connections from external machines.

Connecting to another host

To connect to another instance of zChatClient running in 'host' mode, select the 'guest' option in the 'mode' drop list.


In this mode, the Port No value is the listen scoket port on the external machine that is running zChatClient in host mode, and IP Address is the address of that machine in dotted notation (e.g.


Once a connection has been established, you may type in the message field in the lower half of the chat window, which ar dispatched by pressing the 'send' button. Messages will be relayed to all other guests connected to the active host, and will appear in the message field at the top half of the chat window (as below).



2008/04/25 — Released v2.5.3.1, for compatibility with atTcpSock v2.5.3.3.

2008/03/30 — Released.