Table of Contents

Scripts > Sapphire debug v2

Description A script to test the different rendering modules in Sapphire and log the frame render times.
Author Aaron
Created 2014/09/10
Requires L3DT v11.11 or later
Download sapphire_debug_v2.zs


This script is included with L3DT v14.09 or later. Prior releases of L3DT included an older version of this script, which did not include frame render time logging.

Script contents

// Declare variables

bool TempBool
hvar pHF pWM pTX
int cnt
int cntmax
set cntmax 10
int Start End difftime

// Test maps

set pHF <GetMap "HF">
set pWM <GetMap "WM">
set pTX <GetMap "TX">

assert <cast bool <map.GetWidth pHF>> "Heightfield is not initialised!"

echo "Sapphire debug v2"
echo <strcat " - HF is " <strcat <map.GetWidth pHF> <strcat " x " <map.GetHeight pHF>>>>
echo <strcat " - HF horiz scale is " <strcat <map.GetHorizScale pHF> "m">>
float minalt maxalt
assert <map.GetMinMaxAlt pHF minalt maxalt> "Cannot get heightfield min/max altitude!"
echo <strcat " - HF vert range is " <strcat minalt <strcat " ... " <strcat maxalt "m">>>>
if <map.GetWidth pTX>
  echo <strcat " - TX is " <strcat <map.GetWidth pTX> <strcat " x " <map.GetHeight pTX>>>>

// disable all modules (e.g. textures, lighting, fog)

set TempBool false
Sapphire.SetParam "Skybox.IsShown" TempBool
Sapphire.SetParam "Terrain.DetailMap.IsShown" TempBool
Sapphire.SetParam "Terrain.ElevLUT.EnableFlag" TempBool
Sapphire.SetParam "WaterMap.IsShown" TempBool
Sapphire.SetParam "Atmosphere.FogEnabled" TempBool
Sapphire.SetParam "Lighting.EnableFlag" TempBool
Sapphire.SetParam "UI.CursorMesh.IsShown" TempBool

// Test with all options disabled
MessageBox "Starting test 1: all disabled" 64
echo "Starting test 1: all disabled"
Sapphire.SetPause true
Sapphire.ShowWndEx pHF pWM pTX 8
set cnt 0
  set Start <system.time.GetTickCount>
  Sapphire.RenderFrame 0
  set End <system.time.GetTickCount>
    set difftime <sub End Start>
  echo <strcat "Frame " <strcat cnt <strcat " rendered in " <strcat difftime "ms">>>>
while <islt <incr cnt> cntmax>
Sapphire.SetPause false
MessageBox "Closing test 1: all disabled" 64

// Test elev LUT
MessageBox "Starting test 2: ElevLUT" 64
echo "Starting test 2: ElevLUT"
Sapphire.SetPause true
set TempBool true
Sapphire.SetParam "Terrain.ElevLUT.EnableFlag" TempBool
Sapphire.ShowWndEx pHF pWM pTX 8
set cnt 0
  set Start <system.time.GetTickCount>
  Sapphire.RenderFrame 0
  set End <system.time.GetTickCount>
    set difftime <sub End Start>
  echo <strcat "Frame " <strcat cnt <strcat " rendered in " <strcat difftime "ms">>>>
while <islt <incr cnt> cntmax>
Sapphire.SetPause false
MessageBox "Closing test 2: ElevLUT" 64
//set TempBool false
//Sapphire.SetParam "Terrain.ElevLUT.EnableFlag" TempBool

// Test lighting map
MessageBox "Starting test 3: lighting" 64
echo "Starting test 3: lighting"
Sapphire.SetPause true
set TempBool true
Sapphire.SetParam "Lighting.EnableFlag" TempBool
Sapphire.ShowWndEx pHF pWM pTX 8
set cnt 0
  set Start <system.time.GetTickCount>
  Sapphire.RenderFrame 0
  set End <system.time.GetTickCount>
    set difftime <sub End Start>
  echo <strcat "Frame " <strcat cnt <strcat " rendered in " <strcat difftime "ms">>>>
while <islt <incr cnt> cntmax>
Sapphire.SetPause false
MessageBox "Closing test 3: lighting" 64
//set TempBool false
//Sapphire.SetParam "Lighting.EnableFlag" TempBool

// Test fog
MessageBox "Starting test 4: fog" 64
echo "Starting test 4: fog"
Sapphire.SetPause true
set TempBool true
Sapphire.SetParam "Atmosphere.FogEnabled" TempBool
Sapphire.ShowWndEx pHF pWM pTX 8
set cnt 0
  set Start <system.time.GetTickCount>
  Sapphire.RenderFrame 0
  set End <system.time.GetTickCount>
    set difftime <sub End Start>
  echo <strcat "Frame " <strcat cnt <strcat " rendered in " <strcat difftime "ms">>>>
while <islt <incr cnt> cntmax>
Sapphire.SetPause false
MessageBox "Closing test 4: fog" 64
//set TempBool false
//Sapphire.SetParam "Atmosphere.FogEnabled" TempBool

// Test skybox
MessageBox "Starting test 5: skybox" 64
echo "Starting test 5: skybox"
Sapphire.SetPause true
set TempBool true
Sapphire.SetParam "Skybox.IsShown" TempBool
Sapphire.ShowWndEx pHF pWM pTX 8
set cnt 0
  set Start <system.time.GetTickCount>
  Sapphire.RenderFrame 0
  set End <system.time.GetTickCount>
    set difftime <sub End Start>
  echo <strcat "Frame " <strcat cnt <strcat " rendered in " <strcat difftime "ms">>>>
while <islt <incr cnt> cntmax>
Sapphire.SetPause false
MessageBox "Closing test 5: skybox" 64
//set TempBool false
//Sapphire.SetParam "Skybox.IsShown" TempBool

// Test terrain texture
if <cast bool <map.GetWidth pTX>>
  MessageBox "Starting test 6: terrain texture" 64
  echo "Starting test 6: terrain texture"
  Sapphire.SetPause true
  Sapphire.ShowWndEx pHF pWM pTX 16
  set cnt 0
	  set Start <system.time.GetTickCount>
	  Sapphire.RenderFrame 0
	  set End <system.time.GetTickCount>
		set difftime <sub End Start>
	  echo <strcat "Frame " <strcat cnt <strcat " rendered in " <strcat difftime "ms">>>>
	while <islt <incr cnt> cntmax>
	Sapphire.SetPause false
  MessageBox "Closing test 6: terrain texture" 64
  MessageBox "Skipping test 6: terrain texture (no texture map)" 64

// Test detail map
MessageBox "Starting test 7: detail map" 64
echo "Starting test 7: detail map"
Sapphire.SetPause true
set TempBool true
Sapphire.SetParam "Terrain.DetailMap.IsShown" TempBool
Sapphire.ShowWndEx pHF pWM pTX 16
set cnt 0
  set Start <system.time.GetTickCount>
  Sapphire.RenderFrame 0
  set End <system.time.GetTickCount>
    set difftime <sub End Start>
  echo <strcat "Frame " <strcat cnt <strcat " rendered in " <strcat difftime "ms">>>>
while <islt <incr cnt> cntmax>
Sapphire.SetPause false
MessageBox "Closing test 7: detail map" 64
//set TempBool false
//Sapphire.SetParam "Terrain.DetailMap.IsShown" TempBool

// Test water map
if <cast bool <map.GetWidth pWM>>
  MessageBox "Starting test 8: water texture" 64
  echo "Starting test 8: water texture"
  Sapphire.SetPause true
  set TempBool true
  Sapphire.SetParam "WaterMap.IsShown" TempBool
  Sapphire.ShowWndEx pHF pWM pTX 16
  set cnt 0
	  set Start <system.time.GetTickCount>
	  Sapphire.RenderFrame 0
	  set End <system.time.GetTickCount>
		set difftime <sub End Start>
	  echo <strcat "Frame " <strcat cnt <strcat " rendered in " <strcat difftime "ms">>>>
	while <islt <incr cnt> cntmax>
	Sapphire.SetPause false
  MessageBox "Closing test 8: water texture" 64
//  set TempBool false
//  Sapphire.SetParam "WaterMap.IsShown" TempBool
  MessageBox "Skipping test 8: water texture (no water map)" 64

// Test mesh object
MessageBox "Starting test 9: cursor mesh" 64
echo "Starting test 9: cursor mesh"
Sapphire.SetPause true
set TempBool true
Sapphire.SetParam "UI.CursorMesh.IsShown" TempBool
Sapphire.ShowWndEx pHF pWM pTX 16
set cnt 0
  set Start <system.time.GetTickCount>
  Sapphire.RenderFrame 0
  set End <system.time.GetTickCount>
    set difftime <sub End Start>
  echo <strcat "Frame " <strcat cnt <strcat " rendered in " <strcat difftime "ms">>>>
while <islt <incr cnt> cntmax>
Sapphire.SetPause false
MessageBox "Closing test 9: cursor mesh" 64
//set TempBool false
//Sapphire.SetParam "UI.CursorMesh.IsShown" TempBool

// all together now
MessageBox "Starting test 10: all modules" 64
echo "Starting test 10: all modules"
Sapphire.SetPause true
set TempBool true
Sapphire.SetParam "Skybox.IsShown" TempBool
Sapphire.SetParam "Terrain.DetailMap.IsShown" TempBool
Sapphire.SetParam "Terrain.ElevLUT.EnableFlag" TempBool
Sapphire.SetParam "WaterMap.IsShown" TempBool
Sapphire.SetParam "Atmosphere.FogEnabled" TempBool
Sapphire.SetParam "Lighting.EnableFlag" TempBool
Sapphire.SetParam "UI.CursorMesh.IsShown" TempBool
Sapphire.ShowWndEx pHF pWM pTX 16
set cnt 0
  set Start <system.time.GetTickCount>
  Sapphire.RenderFrame 0
  set End <system.time.GetTickCount>
    set difftime <sub End Start>
  echo <strcat "Frame " <strcat cnt <strcat " rendered in " <strcat difftime "ms">>>>
while <islt <incr cnt> 20>
Sapphire.SetPause false
MessageBox "Closing test 10: all modules" 64

MessageBox "All modules OK!" 64

return true