Batch file

The L3DT batch file format (.run) is a simple text-based format used for the generation of multiple maps automatically (see user-guide). An example RUN file is provided below, which specifies the map definition files (.def.xml) to be used, the directories to which the maps will be saved, the map output filename (root name), and the number of copies to be made.

L3DT Batch File
Version:	Release 2.4

Map definition:	"Map1.def.xml"
Directory:	"c:\L3DT\Maps\BatchMaps"
Root name:	"Def1"
Number of copies:	1

Map definition:	"Map2.def.xml"
Directory:	"c:\L3DT\Maps\BatchMaps"
Root name:	"MosTX"
Number of copies:	1

Map definition:	"Map3.def.xml"
Directory:	"c:\L3DT\Maps\BatchMaps"
Root name:	"Def3"
Number of copies:	5

If more than one map is to be made in each batch definition L3DT will automatically create subdirectory for each map within the specified directory. The subdirectory name is the root name appended with '_' and the copy number. For example, in the 3rd batch listed in the above example file there are 5 copies to be made using the Map3.def.xml definition. These maps will be saved in the directories:
