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Set the value of an option in a file format, as typically retrieved by the CExtAPI::format_GetOptionValue function.

Function prototype

bool CExtAPI::format_SetOptionValue(ZFORMAT hFormat, const char* lpOptionName, long VarID, void* pValue);


Name Type Comment
hFormat ZFORMAT A ZFORMAT handle, an option of which is to be set.
lpOptionName const char* A pointer to a C-style string, containing the option name.
VarID long The integer VarID of the option, such as VarID_int.
pValue void* A pointer (of unknown type) to the option data entity. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the appropriate memory has been allocated (see example for usage).

Return value

False if:

True otherwise.




int TileSize = 64;
bool Overlap = true;
theAPI.format_SetOptionValue(hFormat, "TileSize", VarID_int, &TileSize);
theAPI.format_SetOptionValue(hFormat, "Overlap", VarID_bool, &Overlap);