L3DT documentation
Large 3D terrain generator



Retrieve the list of options for a file format, as typically set by the CExtAPI::format_SetOptionValue function.

Function prototype

ZLIST CExtAPI::format_GetOptionList(ZFORMAT hFormat);


Name Type Comment
hFormat ZFORMAT A ZFORMAT handle, the options list of which is to be retrieved.

Return value

NULL if an error occurred, and a valid ZLIST handle otherwise.


This function can be used to retrieve format options that cannot be accessed by the CExtAPI::format_GetOptionValue function, namely classes such as ProgBox, map, ComboSelector, etc. These members can then be accessed using the CExtAPI::list_ functions.


// get the options list
ZLIST hOptions = theAPI.format_GetOptionList(hFormat);
if(!hOptions) {
  theAPI.ReportError("CL3DTio_HTFApp::SaveMapFile error:\r\n - cannot retrieve options list");
  return false;

if(hComboSel = theAPI.list_GetItemA(hOptions, "FlipAxes")) { // access list member by name
  CString SelStr;
    PackMode = HTF_INVERT_NONE;

zeolite/functions/format_getoptionlist.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/31 07:01 (external edit)
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