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Load a map from a file. Note: this does not work for mosaics.


Declaration Zeolite.h
Implementation Zeolite.cpp

Function prototype

bool zmap_LoadFile(ZMAP hMap, const char* lpFileName, long MapTypeID, ZFORMAT hFormat, bool SetFlags, bool ShowProgress);


Name Type Comment
hMap ZMAP A ZMAP handle to a map variable, the contents of which are to be loaded from disk.
lpFileName const char* A handle to a C-style string containing the full path and extension of the file to be loaded.
MapTypeID long A long integer containing the map type identifier for the new map.
hFormat ZFORMAT A ZFORMAT handle to the format variable to be used to load the file.
SetFlags bool A boolean flag indicating whether this map should be flagged as loaded, and have its active format and filename stored.
ShowProgress bool A boolean flag indicating whether the load operation should show a progress bar.

Return value

False if an error occurred, and true otherwise.


Regarding hFormat

Please consult zmap_SaveFile for comments regarding the hFormat argument.