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Spring, grass, trees, geovents and other features

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:47 pm
by Aaron
Hi Everyone,

This is a quick post to notify Spring mappers that there is a new developmental build of L3DT Pro available that supports the placement of grass, trees, geovents and other custom features (v2.5.2.29, 5th of Feb '08). Here are a couple of Spring screenshots from my first test results:

Trees and grass:


Rocks/custom objects:

To hopefully make things easier and more obvious for new users, I have split the feature map into separate maps for trees, geovents and custom features. I've also renamed the "vegetation map" to be the "grass map", since that's what it seems to do.

There is also a new dialog box for defining custom features, which is in the menu at 'Extensions->L3DTio_Spring->Features->Custom feature manager'. It looks a little something like this:


Note that the new Spring plugins will compile the tdf files your you, and also copy all the required s30/3do/dds/etc files into the SD7 archive automatically.

Also, please note that before exporting a map that contains trees, geovents or custom features, you must use the 'Extensions->L3DTio_Spring->Features->Calculate feature list' menu option to combine the various maps into the list of features required for the SMF exporter. This also gives you the option to manually tweak the settings of each feature in the feature list (rotation, relative size, etc.)

Most of the updated user-guide for the Spring plugins is on-line here. There are still a few incomplete sections in the userguide which I hope to complete shortly, including tree mapping, geovent mapping and feature mapping.

Please feel free to report bugs, leave comments or make suggestions!

Best regards,

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:32 pm
by Aaron
Oopsie daisy,

There was a bug in the SMF plugin that caused it to fail on non-square maps. This has now been fixed in dev build (6th of Feb '08).


PS: Here's another screenshot, just for fun:


Note that these screenshots were done using L3DT's default 'temperate' climate; I probably should have used Forboding Angel's climates for Spring for better dramatic effect.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:10 pm
by neddiedrow
Good to see the native feature handler.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:27 pm
by Forboding Angel
Amazing. I cannot tell you how appreciated this is.

BTW /facepalm @ the fact that most of the time when I'm checking messages I never log in so I saw none of my pm's.

I'm an idiot. Sorry aaron.