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Heightfield:Generator:Perlin2 filter

Filter info

Description Generate a heightfield using Perlin noise.
Author Aaron
Plugin ZG_perlin

Looks like


Input pins

Name Type Default value Description
hMap hvar N/A A handle to the heightmap that is to be filled with Perlin noise. This map must already be initialised (e.g. using Map:CreateMap, Map:CreateMosaic, etc.)
FeatureScale float 0.5 The pixel size of the largest noise octave relative to the output map width/height. Low values give bumpy terrain, and large values give 'continental' terrain. A value of ~0.5 is typical.
nOctaves int 6 The number of noise octaves applied to the map. A low value gives smooth terrain, a large value gives rough terrain (but is slower to generate).
Persistence float 0.42 The noise octave amplitude propagation coefficient. A value of ~0.5 is typical. Larger values give rougher terrain.
NoiseKey int [random] A number used to seed the pseudorandom number generator used by the Perlin generator.

Output pins

Name Type Description
hMap hvar A handle to the source map (handle is passed through from input to output).


This filter has no options.

