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SMD plugin for Spring mappers

PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:07 pm
by Aaron
Hi Everyone,

The very latest dev build of L3DT Pro includes a new plugin to create SMD files for Spring maps. To use this plugin, select the 'Extensions->L3DTio_Spring->Edit SMD settings' menu option to create/edit the SMD settings, and the 'Extensions->L3DTio_Spring->Export SMF/SMT/SMD' menu option to write the SMD (along with the SMF and SMT files).

You can get an idea of the look and feel of the plugin UI from this page of the user-guide.

If you would like to try this plugin, please download the latest dev build of L3DT Pro. I have tested this plugin with the latest version of Spring (0.75b2) and everything seems OK, but YMMV. Please let me know if you find any problems, or would like to suggest a change.


PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:52 am
by Aaron
Hi All,

I've uploaded an update of the SMD plugin to:

To use this file, extract the plugin file (.zeo) from the zip archive, and copy it over over the existing L3DTio_SMD.zeo file in the L3DT Pro extensions directory (C:\Program files\Bundysoft\L3DT [version]\Extensions\). Note that this plugin will only work with the very latest dev build of L3DT Pro (v2.4.2.24, released 30th of December).

This update includes the following changes:
  1. There is a new 'Calc.' button on the SMD light settings page that will calculate the sun direction for you, based on L3DT's light map settings.
  2. There is a bugfix for the SMD writer, which was using StartPosY instead of StartPosZ in the TEAMS section.
  3. The 'X pos' and 'Y pos' columns in the SMD teams page were renamed 'East/West' and 'North/South', for greater clarity.
Note also that the SMD documentation is now more-or-less complete, and can be found at:


Edit: This plugin update is now included in L3DT Pro v2.5b build 25, which is available on the Pro downloads page.