RSS with Google Reader

Google reader is a free RSS service you can use in your web browser (including Internet Explorer, believe it or not). It's a fairly good introductory feed reader, which doesn't have all of the niceties of Opera, Firefox+Sage, or FeedReader, but it does have the advantage of being portable. By that I mean your list of RSS feeds is linked to your GMail account (you will need one), and so you can read your feeds from any computer that can access GMail. Useful if you share public computers, or have lots of desks.

The Google reader interface looks a little like this:

The items from all of my subscribed feeds are in the list to the left, with descriptions to the right, and if I click on the 'show original item' link in the description, I will be taken to the page associated with the news-item.

To add a new feed to Google Reader, click on the 'edit subscriptions' button:

Now, click on the 'add a feed' button, and enter the feed addresses, one by one, of the L3DT news feeds listed here (example below).

That's about all I know about the Google Reader experience; I moved on to using FeedReader, Opera, and finally Firefox+Sage.