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L3DT Release 2.4b

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L3DT Release 2.4b

Postby Aaron » Sat Oct 21, 2006 12:00 pm


L3DT release 2.4b is ready for download. In fact, it was ready a few days ago, but I forgot to post the announcement here. I did, however, post the full release announcement in the development log, which lists the changes. Happy downloading!

Best regards,

PS: With this new release, I don't think anyone has an excuse not to enter an image in the Image of the Month competition (nudge, nudge). The prize is ceremonial dictatorship of the known universe. Closing in ten days!
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Postby DeathTwister » Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:28 pm


Aaron Wrote:
PS: With this new release, I don't think anyone has an excuse not to enter an image in the Image of the Month competition (nudge, nudge). The prize is ceremonial dictatorship of the known universe. Closing in ten days!

ROTFL ROTFL ROTFL, That works for me /winks.... come on guys enter already ROTFL ROTFL /smiles....There are so many awesome artists here, and no entries???????? DeathTwister ponders why? no one play with Aaron????
Attention!, Ego's at the ready, FIRE!!!!!!!!!! get them entries in dudes and dudettes if any come to play with us yet.

/Drools Ceremonial Dictatorship of the known Universe YUM YUM /winks..... I will take a piece O that hahahahahahaha

Hahahahahahahaha DT :twisted:
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Postby Ch3rokee » Sat Oct 21, 2006 7:31 pm

Don't worry DeathTwister, you won't be alone this month. My first entry is just finishing the antialiasing process and should be up very soon, but it will be difficult to do something better than your. Congratulations.

Good luck, and come on everyone, go upload something :!:
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Postby DeathTwister » Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:23 pm

Woo Hoo bout time /smiles,

Ya Ch3rokee, I knew you wouldn't let us down /smiles, your stuff is awesome dude.

Ch3rokee Wrote:
but it will be difficult to do something better than your. Congratulations.

Doh, tsk tsk come on, each and every one of you guys are as good as me, never ever doubt yourselves. I feel honored to be able to share and compete with you all. Everyone on this forum is as good a artist as me. as artists I think. Maybe not as experienced in some ways, but you are all great craft people in my humble opinion. And awesome artists. And as for programming, I am not even close to be worthy to walk in most if not all of your shoes, so it all balances out I think.

But having said that thank you very much for the compliment on my art and craft. I do love to create stuff, and share what I do. Anyway Ch3rokee I think your stuff is great and welcome you with open arms as a brother artist in arms hahahahaha ROTFL lololol, the rest of you as well, just wish I could see more chit from you guys. Monks? where you at my friend? you been pretty quiet lately, School? work? dang take a break and make a terrain hahah for us? sure would be nice seeing some craft from you and all you new people as well that are joining up with Aaron's L3DT Pro or otherwise. Just remember , NOTHING VENTURED, NOTHING GAINED, you have nothing to loose by entering a picture and the world to gain.

DT :twisted:
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