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Heightfield maps don't export

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Heightfield maps don't export

Postby AyaTendou » Mon May 04, 2020 9:35 am

Hello everyone!

I have been using L3DT for a few years, working with Terragen.

I have exported successfully a few years ago L3DT maps into Terragen. I haven't done it for a few years. In fact, my computer crashed 2 years ago and I lost everything, so
I had to download L3DT again, probably an updated version. Today, I want to keep working on my project, but surprise, the export system doesn't work anymore.
I do not get any error message, it's just that the exported files (.ter) are 0 Kilobites size...
A few days ago, I also experienced some saving failures wich seem to be gone now...

Can someone help me solve this problem?
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Joined: Mon May 04, 2020 9:26 am

Re: Heightfield maps don't export

Postby Aaron » Fri Jun 19, 2020 12:37 am

Hi AyTendou,

I'm very sorry for my dreadfully slow reply, and for the inconvenience caused by this fault. Can you please send me the logfile? You can find it on disk at:

Code: Select all
C:\Users\[your username]\L3DT\logs\[version]\log.txt

Please send it to aaron@bundysoft.com.

Best regards,
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