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Seabeds and 1/9 arc-second DEM's

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Seabeds and 1/9 arc-second DEM's

Postby schultzit » Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:34 am


first post here, I've got to thank you for this awesome software! I am a happy L3DT Professional user since a month ago.

I've got a question and if there's a better way to do this, it's gonna save me a lot of time!

I am working with real-world 1/9 arc-second DEM data, the only problem is that seabeds are not included and there's no underwater elevation data for the area I'm working on.

What I've been doing is using the 3d editor to carve my own seabed (lower and cliffs tools) but that's time consuming.

Is there a way to automate this process?

The DEM data I'm using has an area of about 1 km around my islands with elevation 0.2 to 0.9 which is supposed to be sea (deeper than a meter) and then it drops to 0 outside that.

I am looking for a way to let L3DT work on that only (preserving my land heightfield) and maybe randomize a bit the heightfield between a certain negative elevation range (I don't need the Marianas Trench :D )

Is that possible?

Thanks a lot.
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Re: Seabeds and 1/9 arc-second DEM's

Postby Aaron » Thu Nov 13, 2014 12:44 pm

Hi Schultzit,

Welcome to the forum, and sorry for my slow reply.

Unfortunately, I don't currently have a nice algorithm to generate seafloors to match existing heightfields. However, I think I can see a way to do it (roughly), so when time permits I'll have a tinker. I'll post back here when I've got something to test, but it may take a while.

Best regards,
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Re: Seabeds and 1/9 arc-second DEM's

Postby schultzit » Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:44 pm

Great thanks! For the moment I used another software to create a rough seabed and used L3DT to add details (cliff and avalanche tools) but being able to do it all in L3DT would be amazing
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