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L3DT web site...

Postby Q-dad » Tue Sep 12, 2006 4:46 pm

... changed appearance a few days back, at least for me, with the letters of the left side menu changing to another font and much larger than they used to be. I don't think I've done any changes to my Firefox browser for that to happen. Is it only me this has happened to...?

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Postby Q-dad » Tue Sep 12, 2006 8:15 pm

Well, the problem has gone now... :) It has changed to something much better, i.e. the green button activated scroll-down menues... Not sure if I believe in coincidents, but this change occurred just after I had finished paying for L3DT Pro in PayPal and was returning to this web page... :wink:
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Postby Aaron » Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:30 am

Hi Q-dad,

Argh, you caught me tinkering with the stylesheet. I guess it's not a great idea to mess with a site when it is 'live'. Bad Aaron!

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Postby DeathTwister » Wed Sep 13, 2006 2:07 pm

Hay der,

Aaron Wrote:
Argh, you caught me tinkering with the stylesheet. I guess it's not a great idea to mess with a site when it is 'live'. Bad Aaron!

Naw we do it all the time, hahahahaha, much better then taking a website down,, we just keep the backup handy to reswitch if we goof, hahahahahahaaa.

By the way, the new look is great, but that also may explain why I had a bit of trouble a bit back, ROTFL, yup yup, haha. Love those buttons dude, nice scripting on that bell.

Speaking of fopaws, our website http://www.theatomizer.com went down 13 days ago or so due to the server company (ASP Server.com) we had the atomizer on went belly up and did not tell anyone, and it has taken this long to find the right people to get at my account to unlocked my URL name to re-direct it to a new server. Takes deep breath, and dives back in. So if all goes well in the next 24 hours or so it should be back up and running again, and this time on a better server untill we can get ours built we hope by the first of next year. Duckets you understand. Course that means we have to get all the differnt links back in the right place, and will take a few days more, kinda like what Aaron was doing by making changes on the fly while we are live, but hay we should be back up and we think that is a good thing.

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Postby Aaron » Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:39 pm

Hi DT,

DeathTwister wrote:
Aaron wrote:Argh, you caught me tinkering with the stylesheet. I guess it's not a great idea to mess with a site when it is 'live'. Bad Aaron!

Naw we do it all the time, hahahahaha, much better then taking a website down,, we just keep the backup handy to reswitch if we goof, hahahahahahaaa.

I was suggesting that changes should have been made to the off-line version first, then uploaded when complete. Instead I was editing the CSS file on the server.

DeathTwister wrote: By the way, the new look is great, but that also may explain why I had a bit of trouble a bit back, ROTFL, yup yup, haha.

Hey thanks, I'm glad you like it. I don't think it's related to your login problems though, as I made those changes after you reported the problem.

DeathTwister wrote:Love those buttons dude, nice scripting on that bell.

Thankfully there's no scripting involved, just good old fashioned HTML and CSS. The up-side is it will run in browsers with JavaScript disabled, which is pretty common.

That's a bummer about your (former) webhost. Good luck with getting it all on-line again.

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