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L3DT to Unreal Engine 4 – correct HF dimensions in pixels?

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L3DT to Unreal Engine 4 – correct HF dimensions in pixels?

Postby Dude » Sat Mar 03, 2018 6:58 pm


I read few threads here and in other places, but importing HF to Unreal Engine 4 is for me still not clear. I think with good tutorial, maybe wiki L3DT can be very popular in UE users, is very good, easy to use and with good price comparing to other tools. I can help from my experience later too.

First I created few test maps not tiled, and here generally no problems, because I can scale it free in UE4 x, y, z after import in any time.

Problem starts with Unreal World Composition system, tiled landscape, because I can't scale it after import and HF must be in correct size created from start. Anyway, even for single HF I have many questions about sizes in pixels, because this can affect optimization a lot.

For now, no matter I set start settings, in L3DT I have world size for example 8x8km, and I can't import this size to UE4, size is always different, not mention, landscape is sometimes bad, with no smooth vertices, tops etc.

Example (dimensions only for understand process):
* the expected real world size 8x16km
* tiled 8x16


* width, height?
* correct horizontal scale (m)?
* tile size?
* HF/DM ratio?

Unreal Engine import
* components 1x1 sections or 17x17 sections?
* x,y,z scale?

Here is tutorial for World Machines:

I see, "Change the Z scale. Times the world height used from World Machine by 0.1953125 and enter that number in Z scale." works in L3DT too, because before I had bad landscape, with hard edges, changing Z scale like this helps - I have no idea why? :)

Here general Unreal Engine landscape sizes rules about sizes:

Looks like a enough info, but I'm still stuck, maybe I'm just slow :D

Any help appreciated!

Thank you, sorry my English
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