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Calling Linux users

Postby Aaron » Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:13 pm

Hi Everyone,

I'm considering officially supporting L3DT in Linux for the next release, at least for Ubuntu with Wine. From my latest tests, it seems to all run very smoothly, excepting one troublesome plugin (ZeoPerfMon_NT), which I'll remove from the Linux version in due course.

Anyway, before I go ahead and claim that L3DT officially runs in Linux, I'd like to get some user feedback. So, if you're running Linux (any distro)* and have Wine, please give the latest developmental build of L3DT a try (it's on the downloads page), and let me know of any bugs you find.


* hmmm...since Wine runs on Solaris and BSD, I might even go so far as to say UNIX.
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Postby unixseb » Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:22 pm

hello there,
well i've just tried to use the following version :

Version: Std 2.5d build 7
Build date: 20-Jun-08

with wine 1.0 under Slackware12.1.
Installation was fine, launching also but i can't use it, it seems it can't found the climate files, here's what i've got in the log :

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\common\grass\std_grass.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\common\grass\std_grass_lush.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\common\grass\std_grass_dry.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\common\grass\std_grass_steep.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\common\sand\std_sand_yellow.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\common\ground\std_pebbles.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\common\snow\std_snow.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\common\rock\std_cliffs.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\common\rock\std_cliffs_steep.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\common\rock\std_cliffs_grey.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\common\ground\std_mud.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\arctic26\Arctic_cliffs.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\arctic26\Arctic_cliffs (2).mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\arctic26\Arctic_cliffs (3).mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\arctic26\Arctic_rock (underwater).mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\desert26\Desert_Deep desert.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\desert26\Desert_Desert sand.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\desert26\Desert_Desert rocks.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\desert26\Desert_Cliffs.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\desert26\Desert_Desert cliffs.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\desert26\Desert_Desert cliffs (2).mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Greenworld (FA)\Spring Greenworld (FA)_Grass.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Greenworld (FA)\Spring Greenworld (FA)_Steep Grass.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Greenworld (FA)\Spring Greenworld (FA)_Rock Slope.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Greenworld (FA)\Spring Greenworld (FA)_Cliff Face.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Greenworld (FA)\Spring Greenworld (FA)_Beach sand.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Desertworld (FA)\Spring Desertworld (FA)_Dirty sand.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Desertworld (FA)\Spring Desertworld (FA)_Rough sand.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Desertworld (FA)\Spring Desertworld (FA)_Redsand slope.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Desertworld (FA)\Spring Desertworld (FA)_Cliff face.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Desertworld (FA)\Spring Desertworld (FA)_Beach sand.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Mars (FA)\Spring Mars (FA)_Flatland.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Mars (FA)\Spring Mars (FA)_Rocky ground.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Mars (FA)\Spring Mars (FA)_Rock slope.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Mars (FA)\Spring Mars (FA)_Cliff face.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\artificial26\Artificial_Asphalt.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\artificial26\Artificial_Metal.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\artificial26\Artificial_Brick.mat.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadMaterialIni error:
- Material file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\artificial26\Artificial_Concrete.mat.xml'

No materials were loaded!

CL3DTApp::LoadClimateIni error:
- Climate file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\temperate26\Temperate26.cli.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadClimateIni error:
- Climate file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\temperate26\Temperate26-basic.cli.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadClimateIni error:
- Climate file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\temperate26\Temperate26-coastal.cli.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadClimateIni error:
- Climate file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\tropical26\tropical26.cli.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadClimateIni error:
- Climate file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\desert26\Desert26.cli.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadClimateIni error:
- Climate file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\arctic26\Arctic26.cli.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadClimateIni error:
- Climate file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\artificial26\Artificial26.cli.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadClimateIni error:
- Climate file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Greenworld (FA)\Greenworld.cli.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadClimateIni error:
- Climate file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Desertworld (FA)\Desertworld.cli.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadClimateIni error:
- Climate file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Spring Mars (FA)\Mars.cli.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadClimateIni error:
- Climate file not found at 'C:\Program Files\Bundysoft\L3DT Standard\Resources\Climates\Demonstrations\Demo-grass-rock-sand.cli.xml'

CL3DTApp::LoadClimateIni error:
- No climates were loaded!
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Postby unixseb » Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:25 pm

well, after a deeper check, it looks like the Resources subdirectory is just not installed.
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Postby Aaron » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:42 pm

Hi Unixseb,

Thank-you for trying this out, and double-thanks for the bug report.

I've just installed the same version in Ubuntu and it does install the resources correctly. Please note that the resources aren't installed under 'program files' because they are modified during the normal operation of the program, and hence aren't allowed to be in 'program files' in Vista without UAC escalation. Instead, the resources are installed under the user's 'application data' directory. In Ubuntu, that directory maps to:

Code: Select all
\home\[user name]\.wine\drive_c\windows\profiles\[user name]\Application Data\Bundysoft\L3DT\Std\Resources

Can you confirm that the resources are present in this directory?

If they are, you should be able to use the 'Settings->File paths' menu option in L3DT to set the 'L3DT->Resources' directory to the above path (as shown below).

The 'Settings->File paths' window. Double-click on paths to change their values.

However, at this stage I'm at a loss to explain why L3DT would be looking in 'program files' for these resources. Have you previously had another version of L3DT installed on your system, by any chance?

Best regards,
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Postby unixseb » Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:15 pm

well, i had a look and the resources are not in the profile subdir.
i made a "find . -name *xml" on my .wine directory and it found only the following :

./windows/profiles/unixseb/Application Data/Thinstall/Terragen 2 Technology Preview/%AppData%/uk.co.planetside/Terragen_2/preferences.xml
./Program Files/ATI Research Inc/RenderMonkey 1.62/Data/asm_parser.xml
./Program Files/ATI Research Inc/RenderMonkey 1.62/Data/glsl_parser.xml
./Program Files/ATI Research Inc/RenderMonkey 1.62/Data/hlsl_parser.xml
./Program Files/Opera/profile/cache4/opr00014.xml

As u can see, there's no climate file, i checked in the directory u pointed me, it is empty (.wine\drive_c\windows\profiles\[user name]\Application Data\Bundysoft\L3DT\, there is no subdir)

I never installed any other version of L3DT on this machine, was a first time install.

Another thing, maybe it isn't related, but when i install the soft, i have this message in my wine console :

err:richedit:ReadStyleSheet ReadStyleSheet: skipping optional destination
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Postby geoadel » Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:47 am

Hi there, just tried it in Ubuntu 8.04 with
Version: Pro 2.5d build 7
Build date: 20-Jun-08
No previous installation under Ubuntu.

The first error-message I encountered was directly after starting the program:

CExtDLL::LoadDLL error:
- call to LoadLibrary failed for 'C:\Programme\Bundysoft\L3DT Professional\Extensions\ZeoPerfMon_NT.zeo'
- Plugin requires additional dependencies that were not found.

CExtManager::LoadDLL error:
- Call to CExtDLL::LoadDLL failed

-edit: should have read the posts before this one :shock: more carefully

When starting Sapphire for a project I started under Windows, I also get the error with the wrong pathname for skybox and water. I changed them all, including the elevation which I seem to have missed the first time and they display beautifully.
-2nd edit: The correct paths for me were in

And also in Sapphire, it doesnt display any textures (despite the not-found sky and water) so the landscape only shows in all it's green glory. I checked in L3dt, all the maps I can get by "Select active map" show up as they should. In Saphire, none of the selectable maps changes anything from the green).

-edit: after setting the paths for skybox, water, detail and elevation, also the textures seem to work again :)

And also there seems to be an error with the culling. See the images attached, where the chunks which are culled are way to close to my position and do not behave as I would expect them (leaving gaps in the middle of a mountain). This is definitly working better under windows, but I'll check that again and tell my findings.


Thank you very much for undertaking the linux-endeavour -- everything loosening my MS-Win chain is highly apreciated :D
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Postby unixseb » Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:17 pm

well, i cleaned my wine directory and registry from everything budysoft related, i reistalled, and all was fine :)
i had to adjust some pathes to get the whole stuff (specially saphire textures) and all was fine.
It ran like a charm :)
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Postby Aaron » Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:56 am

Hi Guys,

Thanks a lot for the feedback. I've fixed the 'ZeoPerfMon_NT' fault, and I'll fix up the resources faults as soon as I get a spare moment. I'll post back here when done. Thanks again!

Best regards,
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Postby Aaron » Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:45 am

Hi Guys,

I've uploaded another developmental build of L3DT Standard (v2.6d build 10, 12th of July 2008), which should fix the bugs with the resource paths and the ZeoPerfMon_NT plugin. Please let me know if you find any problems.

Best regards,
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Postby unixseb » Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:52 am

i've just tested the standard edition and i just had to specify the path of the resources directory to find the climate files, except that , all was fine, no more need to adjust saphire pathes.
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Postby Aaron » Sun Oct 26, 2008 9:39 am

Hello again,

I've had another go at the resource path problem, which should now be fixed in L3DT 2.6 dev build 2, released on the 26th of October 2008. If anyone finds any problems with this version in Linux, please let me know.

Best regards,
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