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Any bugs to report?

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Any bugs to report?

Postby Aaron » Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:37 pm

Hi All,

With the release date of L3DT 11.08 hoving into view, I'd like to take one last opportunity to plead for bug reports. If you've downloaded the latest beta releases of L3DT, please let me know if you've found any bugs or other problems, either by replying to this thread or by using the bug reports forum.

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Re: Any bugs to report?

Postby David Walters » Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:33 am

Hope it's not too late but I've just tried 11.07 Beta 2 and found an unexpected output in the 'Export optimised mesh".

The problem is that if I don't split the mesh into tiles it still gets a 'full detail' bottom and right edge, like you would get between exported for tiles. This contributed to a massive number of triangles along those edges that I didn't want.

This is with default export options, except I changed the max error up to 80. Exporting to OBJ.
David Walters
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Re: Any bugs to report?

Postby Aaron » Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:39 am

Hi David,

Thanks for the bug report. This is a known issue, which is a feature of the current implementation of the ROAM split-only tessellator. If the terrain size is not an integral multiple of the decimator tile size plus one, the edges of the partially unfilled tiles (at the north / east edge) cannot be fully optimised, and for some particular sizes, these edges become fully unoptimised. The tile size used by the ROAM tessellator is 64, so the 'magic' sizes that produce fully optimised edges all around are the classic power-of-two-plus-one sizes (257, 513, 1025, 4097, etc.), and the in-between multiples of 64 plus one (321, 385, 449, 577, etc.)

Correction: Even the 'magic' sizes don't produce unoptimised edges in the 11.07 beta releases. I have fixed this for the release version of L3DT 11.08, which will be available the moment I've finished writing the release announcements.

One solution to the problem, kludgy though it may be, will be to up-scale your heightmap to the next nearest 'magic' size. In fact, I may make the decimator do this automagically. If not, I'll be sure to include some other fix for this behaviour in the following release (v12.XX). Thanks again for reporting this bug.

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Re: Any bugs to report?

Postby David Walters » Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:38 pm

Hi Aaron, thanks for the explanation.

Sorry I forgot to say my heightmap was 1024*1024. So given that, if I understand you correctly, if I change the dimensions to 1025*1025 using the resize heightmap option on the 11.08 release that will fix my high triangle count problem? That's not too bad for the small terrains I'm making, although I like the sound of this being done automatically, of course. An optimised edge to the world makes sense - unless you've got a wrapping world in which case I'd want the triangles, hooray :)


edit. my post count is capped at 100, I consider this a show-stopper! ;D
David Walters
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Re: Any bugs to report?

Postby Aaron » Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:37 am

Hi David,

Congratulations on your century, and thanks for all your excellent feature requests and insightful posts over the years. Your contribution has been greatly appreciated.

Release 11.08 is now available, and it should allow you to export fully optimised terrain edges at the 'magic' sizes. Please let me know if you find any problems.

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Re: Any bugs to report?

Postby Aaron » Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:46 am

Hi David,

I've fixed the plugin to fully optimises all edges, regardless of map size (see screenshots + discussion.) The download link for the updated plugin is here. Please let me know if you find any problems with this update, and thanks again for the bug report.

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Re: Any bugs to report?

Postby David Walters » Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:03 pm

Hi, I've just got round to trying the resize fix you suggested and that worked, so I came here to post that it did and saw your updated zeo file and hooray that now works perfectly for me with my test terrain. Thanks very much, saved me a lot of effort cleaning up meshes and/or messing around with resizing!


p.s. One other minor thing I spotted is that now 11.08 is out I've tidied up the beta versions I had installed - I found that the uninstallers for at least versions Pro 2.9.014, Pro and Pro were all failing to removing the 'Palettes' folder from %USER%/L3DT/resources/, causing a bunch of orphaned files and folders.

pps. Also L3DT 11.08 still has the 'crash on exit' bug, but the version number still says 11.07. I think that counts as a pedantic report though :)
David Walters
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Re: Any bugs to report?

Postby Aaron » Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:24 am

Hi David,

Thanks for the feedback. I had fixed the problem with the orphaned ‘resources’ folder in the v11.08 installer, but yes, it certainly was present in the developmental builds of v2.9 and the v11.07 beta releases.

> Also L3DT 11.08 still has the 'crash on exit' bug

Bugger. Can you please send me the logfile (log.txt) after the crash occurs (to aaron@bundysoft.com)? As usual, you can get to it from ‘Bundysoft->L3DT [version]->L3DT logs’ shortcut in the Windows start menu.

> the version number still says 11.07.

Ah, thanks again. For reasons I don't fully understand, executable resources in MSVC have five separate version strings; this time I forgot to update one of them. It's been fixed for the next update.

I’ll wrap these bugfixes - and any others that arise - into a follow-up release some time in September.

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Re: Any bugs to report?

Postby David Walters » Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:34 pm

Aaron wrote:Can you please send me the logfile (log.txt) after the crash occurs (to aaron@bundysoft.com)? As usual, you can get to it from ‘Bundysoft->L3DT [version]->L3DT logs’ shortcut in the Windows start menu.

Okay, just sent you that now, good luck. It's not a 100% repeatable problem and I've never lost any work from it, just to put it into perspective :)

David Walters
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