Table of Contents
Bits and pieces of source codeThis page lists the small amount of code from the L3DT source that I've released over the years in response to user requests. The codePlugins
File input and output
L3DTVi2 (old 3D-viewer)
External librariesL3DT uses a number of free libraries and bits of code to do some dirty-work, including loading and saving images, various user-interface things, and the odd bit of encryption. See the list of libraries used by L3DT for links to the relevant projects. Which languages are used?
Requesting codeI will consider requests for code to improve compatibility with other programs, and also for fairly-simple 'how did you do x?' problems. Please address such queries to Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following license:CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported