L3DT development blog
Large 3D terrain generator

Minor update to L3DT 2.3b Pro Beta

There is a new update available for L3DT Professional that includes two new features:

  1. You can change the design-map parameters - such as erosion, lakes, roughness, etc - after you've generated or imported the design map. The menu option for this is 'Operations→Design map→Modify parameters…'.
  2. An image can be 'draped' over the main map display as a semi-transparent overlay. This is intended to help users create design-maps by using images of contour maps (etc.) as templates or guides. The menu option for this is 'View→Image overlay…'.

Both of these features are still undocumented, and should be considered to have 'beta' status. They will be included in the Standard Edition in a month or two.

Registered users can download the update from the regular place…wink wink, nudge nudge.

l3dt/2005/nov/20.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/31 06:00 (external edit)
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