L3DT development blog
Large 3D terrain generator

Update to L3DT 2.3c

Bump-mapped lighting is now available in L3DT Professional. Here is a screenshot to whet your appetite:

Bump-mapped rocks

Each land type may have their own unique bump-maps, which are specified in the land type definitions within the climate files. So far I have only upgraded the 'temperate' and 'arctic' climates to include bump-mapping, with the rest to follow at a later date. Here, by the way, is an image of the arctic climate with 8× light-mapping and textures:

Arctic climate

While some benefits may be observed for regular low-resolution light- and texture-maps, the best results from bump-mapping are achieved at 8× resolution or higher.

l3dt/2006/jan/19.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/31 05:22 (external edit)
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