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Resizing a map fails ...

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Resizing a map fails ...

Postby Spikelife » Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:39 pm

I have L3DT Pro. I have a map created in L3DT that is 8192 X 8192. The design map and the height map are both set to mosaic of 1024 X 1024. I re-sized the design map to 131072 X 131072, then tried to re-size the height map to 131072 X 131072. The re-size takes like 24 hrs to do. Then when it tries to make the mip-maps there are a zillion errors saying out of memory and that it needs to be a mosaic (which it already is). It seems to think the map is not mosaic when it is already a mosaic.

I've done this three times now and it's failing every time. Besides wasting a ton of time, this is very frustrating. Am I missing a step here that is killing the re-size or is this some weird bug ?
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Postby Aaron » Sun Nov 14, 2010 8:42 pm

Hi Spikelife,

I apologise for this bug. Can you please send the log file to aaron@bundysoft.com? You can get to it from the Windows start menu under 'All programs->Bundysoft->L3DT [version]->L3DT logs'. In that directory, you will find a file called 'log.txt'. With the logfile, I should be able to work out what is going wrong.

That said, can I ask why you're resizing the design map and heightmap to 128k x 128k? For all cases I can readily imagine, the design map should never be the same size as the heightmap (usually it's 1/64th the size). Furthermore, the resizing is simple linear interpolation, so unless you're planning to do additional processing, this up-sizing of the heightfield will not provide any more detail in a renderer than the 8192x8192 map.

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Postby Spikelife » Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:08 pm

Hmm... I'm looking for the log file and I can't find it. On Win7 system where is it stored ?

Reason to try re-size--
I am trying an experiment: I have Unity3D Pro 3 and I am going to see what the lands look like after resizing when i create a continuous large terrain from the 1024 X 1024 mosaic pieces. I import them into Unity as height fields and create a huge terrain by loading and unloading them in the background. I've tried with the 8192 X 8192 (with 1024 mosaic which is 8 X 8 ) of a small island and it looks decent, but i want to see if I can make the continent at 8192 X 8192 and then re-size into a 131072 X 131072 continent and still looks decent -- or if I will need to re-size just the Design map to 131072 X 131072 and then generate the the thing from that. The difference is the time it takes: I tried using the 131072 X 131072 design map and generating the land mass first: i stopped it after 4.5 days continuous running when it was only partially complete (it was about 35% complete at 4.5 days). When I use the re-size i can make the large terrain in about 1 day (except for the error on the mip-maps that is).
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Postby Spikelife » Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:12 pm

DOH ! Spelling the directory names correctly always helps *sigh . File is sent.
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Postby Aaron » Mon Nov 22, 2010 12:07 pm

Hi Spikelife,

Thanks for the log file. Unfortunately in this case it won't be much help, as the log file only ever shows the previous session*, which appears to have been only opening L3DT, minimising then restoring the window, then closing the application. The resizing bugs evidently occurred in a prior session. I'll try to reproduce the problem here.

but i want to see if I can make the continent at 8192 X 8192 and then re-size into a 131072 X 131072 continent and still looks decent

It should look no different at all, although it will take up about 256x greater space on disk. Up-sizing a map in this way does nothing to improve the quality or detail; it's just linear interpolation.

or if I will need to re-size just the Design map to 131072 X 131072 and then generate the the thing from that.

That would improve the amount of detail in the map somewhat. However, assuming you used the default design map / heightfield ratio of 64x, a design map of 131072 x 131072 pixels would result in a heightfield of 8 million x 8 million pixels ( = 256GB of height data, uncompressed). Is that what you want / expect?

Best regards,

* This is because the log is very detailed, and would quickly grow to an enormous size if it was carried over from session to session.
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Postby Spikelife » Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:54 pm

I'm not actually after more detail -- the detail is fine; I'm after a continent size file broken into 1024 X 1024 pieces that will produce the continent in Unity as map segments that I can load and unload as the user moves thru the various areas of the continent -- so it appears to the user to be a continuous piece. The 8192 X 8192 file was fine for a small island, but it's not big enough for a continuous continent.

If you can't reproduce the error I can send you the Design Map OR I can re-run the thing and let it fail and then send the log file before restarting L3DT. It fails every time.

Thanks for looking into this to try and fix it.
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Postby Spikelife » Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:41 pm

I let it run again until it failed and then zipped up the log and sent it to you. Hopefully it got through - it's like 1 meg zipped.
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Postby Aaron » Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:45 pm

Hi Spikelife,

Thanks, I got the log, and replied to your e-mail with a link to the installer of an update. I guess my reply was stopped by the spam filter. I'll re-send it via PM in the forum.

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Postby Spikelife » Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:58 pm

I got your e-mail and downloaded the updated L3DT you referenced - the re-size succeeded without error, but the HF produced is completely black (or blank possibly?) and there are no height field files like I usually see with a mosaic.

Also of note, the original re-size would take like 22+ hrs, this one only took about 4 hrs. I wonder if it's calculating the HF mosaic pieces and just not writing them down ?

I surely appreciate you working on this...
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Postby Aaron » Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:10 pm

Hi Spikelife,

Thanks for trying the dev build. Can you please send me the logfile from that session of L3DT?

Best regards,
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Postby demi » Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:36 am

Just wondering.

Why you are changing the design map?

Once it is inflated the process is not going to change anything. The designmap is already used and resizing it has no effect unless you are going to make a new HM form it.

What I did.

Start L3DT and import the 8192x8192 heightmap. Then save it as a new project. Then inflate it.
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Postby Spikelife » Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:51 pm

aaron wrote:Thanks for trying the dev build. Can you please send me the logfile from that session of L3DT?

Will do.

demi wrote:Why you are changing the design map?

Because sometimes if the design map and the HF are not the same it causes the program to spas and die. Something to do with them not being the same sizes I think, but not sure.

demi wrote:Start L3DT and import the 8192x8192 heightmap. Then save it as a new project. Then inflate it.

Did that before, too - fails the same way.
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Postby Aaron » Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:12 pm

Hi Spikelife,

Spikelife wrote:Because sometimes if the design map and the HF are not the same it causes the program to spas and die. Something to do with them not being the same sizes I think, but not sure.

I agree with Demi; you shouldn't need to resize the design map. The design map is always a different size to the heightfield*, so that shouldn't be a problem. If there is a problem, please report it so that I can fix it.

[To test my faith in this regard, I generated a design map and heightfield, then resized the heightfield (4x larger) and continued on to generate the water, normals, light and texture maps, and found no problems. Thus, at least as far as the major calculations go, resizing the heightfield causes no errors.]


* Except for about a millisecond during the generation process.
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Postby Spikelife » Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:56 pm

hmm.... ok thanks. I'm gonna try this again when the re-sizes thing is fixed. I may have remembered what happened wrong.
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Postby Aaron » Sun Dec 26, 2010 1:49 am

Hi All,

The changes in v2.9 build 3 have been confirmed to have fixed this bug in resizing (via private e-mail correspondence). Ticket closed. Hurrah!

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