L3DT documentation
Large 3D terrain generator



Get the alternative name of a map in the project, either the 'long' display name (e.g. “Heightfield”) or the 'short' abbreviated name (e.g. “HF”).


Declaration zProj.h
Implementation zProj.cpp

Function prototype

bool zproj_GetMapAlternateName(const char* lpMapName, ZSTR hAltName, bool GetLongName = true);


Name Type Comment
lpMapName const char* A pointer to a C-style string containing the map name.
hAltName ZSTR A ZSTR handle to a string variable that is to receive the alternative name of the map.
GetLongName bool A flag that determines whether the long or short names of the map is to be retrieved. See comments for more information.

Return value

True if:

  • lpMapName refers to a valid map in the project, and;
  • The map named by lpMapName has a registered alternative name.

False otherwise.



If the GetLongName argument is true, lpMapName must contain the 'short' name of the map (e.g. “WM”), and hAltName will receive the long name of the map (e.g. “Water map”). Conversely, if GetLongName is false, lpMapName must contain the 'long' name of the map, and hAltName will receive the short name of the map.

zeolite/functions/zproj_getmapalternatename.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/31 06:12 (external edit)
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