L3DT development blog
Large 3D terrain generator

Progress report

I got, umm, a little 'code-happy' when adding a perlin heightfield generator and…well…it ended up like this: I've completely re-written the internal structures used to store map generation settings, replacing structs with a dynamic list class, with named members and runtime type checking. It's really nice. These changes will make customised algorithms (scheduled for L3DT 2.4) a whole lot easier to implement.

On the down-side, I've had to change the map group file format again (for what, the 5th time now?). Will this effect backwards compatibility? Not really, you'll still be able to load the old maps, but the settings (such as the 'Sea/Land' or 'Erosion') will be lost, meaning you won't be able to re-generate the map. I may yet be able to fix this, too.

I've also rewritten just about every dialog box to fit with the new 'wizard' template (eg. light mapping).

l3dt/2005/may/03.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/31 04:21 (external edit)
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