L3DT development blog
Large 3D terrain generator

A call to Terragen artists

I was wondering if anyone skilled in the art of Terragen was willing to take a crack at rendering roughly the same spot as in these images from L3DTVi2? I'd like to see how L3DT's dodgy tricks stack up against a proper ray-tracing photorealistic renderer, but alas the mysteries of surface maps are somewhat beyond me. Using the default 'desert and grass' I came up with these:

temp8_tgen2.jpg temp8_tgen3.jpg
Sun at glancing angle Sun at high-noon

If you want to try your hand, the heightfield is here:

http://www.bundysoft.com/L3DT/downloads/examples/temp8.ter (129kb)

The water-level is 82.5m, and the camera conditions are approximately:

Camera 1880 550 200
Target 980 900 0
Zoom 1

If you come up with anything nice, please e-mail me a JPEG or upload it to the users' gallery.

Best of luck,

l3dt/2006/may/27.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/31 06:41 (external edit)
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