L3DT documentation
Large 3D terrain generator

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Texture map operations

Generating the texture map

The Texture settings wizard is opened by clicking on the 'Operations→Texture map→Generate map' option in the menu.

Points of note about this wizard:

  • With use light map enabled L3DT will bake the light map onto the texture. Otherwise the texture will be unlit.
  • With interpolate textures enabled L3DT will texture the map by interpolating the textures defined in the relevant climate. If this option is unchecked, L3DT will use the generic land colour defined for each land type1).
  • To use strata effects such as those seen in the desert climate (see example), enable the Allow strata overlays checkbox. This has no effect in climates that do not have defined strata layers.
  • To smoothly blend the interface between the textures of different land types, enable the Max. anti-aliasing checkbox and set the slider to the desired anti-aliasing level (measured in pixel radius). Anti-aliasing is slow, but it is required when using textures that are larger in size than the attributes map.
  • You can generate high-resolution textures by increasing the texture-to-heightfield ratio (TX/HF). TX/HF = 4 looks pretty good, but is also pretty large. 32 is the current limit, and was used in these megatexture renders. Be warned: very few renderers currently support textures this large.
  • For a single image, the size limit is 32 × 32k pixels. For a paged mosaic image, the size limit is 4M × 4M pixels.

This operation requires the following maps to exist:

Editing the texture map

You can edit the texture map manually using the texture map brush, in either the 2D or 3D displays (see link for details).

1) I don't know why this option is still here; it should always be on.
l3dt/userguide/ops/tx.1294890741.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/31 05:36 (external edit)
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