L3DT documentation
Large 3D terrain generator



Retrieve a handle to the project's map list.


Declaration zProj.h
Implementation zProj.cpp

Function prototype

ZLIST zproj_GetMapList();

Return value

A valid non-null handle to the project's map list, or a null handle if an error occurred.


Accessing maps from the map list

Maps are stored in the map list as variables of type VarID_map, and may be retrieved by calling zlist_GetItemA using their abbreviated name (e.g. “HF” for heightfield). The set of map names for the core maps in L3DT are listed in the comments section of the zproj_GetMap function reference.

zeolite/functions/zproj_getmaplist.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/31 05:07 (external edit)
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